Yet Another Computer Museum

Virtual library of computer manuals

Hardware documentation in Adobe Acrobat format

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PDF and images of the MBC Alcyane range of computers

pdf.png mbc_a6e_ms34-sep83.pdf Short article on the Alcyane A6E computer (Micro-systems, Septembre 1983) (French) Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France also see
pdf.png mbc_a6e_oi48-mai83.pdf Article on the Alcyane A6 computer (L'ordinateur individuel, no 48, Mai 83) (French) Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France also see
pdf.png MBC_Alcyane.pdf Article on the Alcyane architecture from "Numéro spécial hors série No.24 -- Les ordinateurs et la vie quotidienne" from the scientific magazine "Sciences & Avenir", published between May and October 1978. (French) Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
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PDF scans and HTML documentation Acorn Atom

generic.png atap.html HTML version of the Acorn Atom User manual
generic.png atm.html HTML version of the Acorn Atom Technical Manual
generic.png colour.html HTML version of the Acorn Colour board manual
image2.png atom_pcb_atomcolourboard.gif Colour card circuit diagram (from:
generic.png telec_fd.html HTML version of the Telec Floppy Disk manual (dutch)
image2.png ForthBookCover.jpg Forth Theory & Practice front cover
pdf.png ForthTheory&Practice_00-09.pdf Forth Theory & Practice ISBN 0 907876 05 6 toc to chapter 9
pdf.png ForthTheory&Practice_10-index.pdf Forth Theory & Practice ISBN 0 907876 05 6 chapter 10 to index
generic.png FTP_txt.html Forth Theory & Practice HTMLized txt straight from Tesseract
image2.png ForthCassetteCover.jpg Forth Cassette cover
image2.png LispBookCover.jpg LISP Theory & Practice front cover
pdf.png LispTheory&Practice.pdf LISP Theory & Practice ISBN 0 907876 01 3
generic.png LTP_txt.html LISP Theory & Practice HTMLized txt straight from Tesseract
image2.png LispCassetteCover.jpg LISP Cassette cover
image2.png cu_cover.jpg Control Universal Catalogue 1982 front cover
pdf.png cu00-02.pdf Control Universal Catalogue 1982 table of contents and chapter 1 and 2
pdf.png cu03.pdf Control Universal Catalogue 1982 chapter 3
pdf.png cu04-05.pdf Control Universal Catalogue 1982 chapters 4 and 5
pdf.png cu06-19.pdf Control Universal Catalogue 1982 chapters 6 to 19
pdf.png cu20-99.pdf Control Universal Catalogue 1982 chapters 20 to 99
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PDF documentation for the COMX35 computer

pdf.png cdp1802data.pdf CDP1802 processor data sheet
pdf.png cdp1861.pdf CDP1861 support chip data sheet
pdf.png cdp1871.pdf CDP1871 support chip data sheet
pdf.png comx35_Intro2BasProg.pdf Introduction to Basic Programming manual for the COMX35
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PDF documentation for the DAI computer

pdf.png PCRM_part1.pdf Personal Computer Handbook
pdf.png PCRM1-5.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual chapter 1-5
pdf.png PCRM6.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual chapter 6
pdf.png PCRM7.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual chapter 7
pdf.png PCRM8v1.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual chapter 8 part 1
pdf.png PCRM8v2.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual chapter 8 part 2
pdf.png PCH.pdf Personal Computer Handbook (600 dpi)
pdf.png PCRM.pdf Personal Computer Reference Manual (600 dpi)
pdf.png DAI_D-BASIC_handleiding.pdf D-Basic manual from DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAI_Toolkit_7_handleiding.pdf Description of the Toolkit 7 tape? programs (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png FW_0C0-0CF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 0C000-0CFFF
pdf.png FW_0D0-0DF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 0D000-0DFFF
pdf.png FW_0E0-0EF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 0E000-0EFFF
pdf.png FW_1E0-1EF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 1E000-1EFFF
pdf.png FW_2E0-2EF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 2E000-2EFFF
pdf.png FW_3E0-3EF.pdf Annotated ROM disassembly J. Boerrigter 3E000-3EFFF
pdf.png FW_C614-C7FA.pdf Missing page from FW_0C0-0CF.pdf
pdf.png Schema00-06.pdf Diagram set sheet 1-6 DAInamic
pdf.png Schema07-15.pdf Diagram set sheet 7-15 DAInamic
pdf.png INDATA_DAI_schemas.pdf Factory diagrams of the Dai Computer (DC) and the Dai FDC (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Manual_for_the_Memocom_MDCR-D.pdf (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png memocom.pdf Technical documentation Philips MDCR
pdf.png AM9511.pdf Datasheet for the Am9511 Arithmetic processor
pdf.png i8231a.pdf Datasheet for the i8231A Arithmetic Processing Unit (compatible with Am9511)
pdf.png ZNA134.pdf Datasheet ZNA134 chip (video)
pdf.png TMS5501.pdf Datasheet TMS5501 chip (multi-function input/output controller)
pdf.png DAInamic_01.pdf DAInamic magazine NUMMER 0/1 *** 1980
pdf.png DAInamic_02.pdf DAInamic magazine NUMMER 2
pdf.png DAInamic_03.pdf DAInamic magazine NUMMER 3 *** FEB 1980
pdf.png DAInamic_04.pdf DAInamic magazine NUMMER 4 *** APRIL 1981
pdf.png DAInamic_05.pdf DAInamic magazine Nr5 MEI-JUNI 1981
pdf.png DAInamic_06.pdf DAInamic magazine Nr6 JULI-AUGUSTUS 1981
pdf.png DAInamic_07.pdf DAInamic magazine Nr 7 SEPT-OKT 1981
pdf.png DAInamic_08.pdf DAInamic magazine Nr 8 NOV-DEC 1981
pdf.png DAInamic_09_1.pdf DAInamic magazine januari-februari 1982 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_09_2.pdf DAInamic magazine januari-februari 1982 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_10_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 10, dubbel nummer maart - juni 1982 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_10_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 10, dubbel nummer maart - juni 1982 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_11.pdf DAInamic magazine 11, juli - augustus 1982
pdf.png DAInamic_12.pdf DAInamic magazine 12, september - oktober 1982
pdf.png DAInamic_13_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 13, november - december 1982 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_13_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 13, november - december 1982 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_14_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 14, januari-februari 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_14_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 14, januari-februari 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_15_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 15, maart-april 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_15_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 15, maart-april 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_16_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 16, mei-juni 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_16_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 16, mei-juni 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_17_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 17, juli-augustus 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_17_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 17, juli-augustus 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_18_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 18, september-oktober 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_18_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 18, september-oktober 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_19_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 19, november-december 1983 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_19_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 19, november-december 1983 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_20_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 20, januari-februari 1984 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_20_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 20, januari-februari 1984 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_21.pdf DAInamic magazine 21, maart-april 1984
pdf.png DAInamic_22.pdf DAInamic magazine 22, mei-juni 1884
pdf.png DAInamic_23.pdf DAInamic magazine 23, juli-augustus 1884
pdf.png DAInamic_24_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 24, september-oktober 1984 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_24_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 24, september-oktober 1984 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_25_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 25, november-december 1984 part 1 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_25_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 25, november-december 1984 part 2 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_26.pdf DAInamic magazine 26, januari-februari 1985 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_27.pdf DAInamic magazine 27, maart-april 1985 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_28.pdf DAInamic magazine 28, mei-juni 1985 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_29.pdf DAInamic magazine 29, juli-augustus 1985 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_30_1.pdf DAInamic magazine 30, september-oktober 1985 part 1
pdf.png DAInamic_30_2.pdf DAInamic magazine 30, september-oktober 1985 part 2
pdf.png DAInamic_31.pdf DAInamic magazine 31, november-december 1985 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAINAMIC_32.pdf DAInamic magazine 32, januari-februari/janvier-février 1986 (Thanks to Claudius Morin)
pdf.png DAInamic_33.pdf DAInamic magazine 33, maart-april/mars-avril 1986 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_34.pdf DAInamic 34, mei-juni / DAI Clic 7, mai-juin 1986 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_35.pdf DAInamic 35, juli-augustus / DAI Clic 8, /julliet-auôt 1986 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_36.pdf DAInamic 36, sept.-okt. / DAI Clic 9, sept./oct. 1986 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamic_37.pdf DAInamic 37, november-december / DAI Clic 10, novembre-décembre 1986 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101045.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101221.pdf German DAInamic (contains TMS5501 datasheet!) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101439.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101614.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101732.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101910.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227101945.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227102050.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227102221.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInamicDE_Scan071227102334.pdf German DAInamic (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA10.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA11.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA12.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA13.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA14.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA15.pdf Dutch HCC DAI-gg magazine (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAITA_2.pdf Printer interface manual for the NEC (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAI_computer_test_MiniMicro_computer198110.pdf Dutch review from the Mini Micro Magazine, October 1981 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAI_personal_computer_test_Driewerf_jammer.pdf Review of the Radio Electronics magazine May 1980 (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Toolkit1appendixA.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Toolkit 1 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Toolkit3.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Toolkit 3 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Toolkit4.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Toolkit 4 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Toolkit5.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Toolkit 5 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Toolkit6.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Toolkit 6 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png AssemblerInstructies.pdf Instructions for a DAI 8080 assembler (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Fysische_Geografie.pdf Manual for analytical and graphical presentation software for educational purposes (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Driver.pdf Game instructions (German) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Super_invader.pdf Game instructions (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Panic.pdf Game instructions (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInibble.pdf Game instructions (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Modified_wordprocessor.pdf Based on WP4 but with Epson MX-80/82 control codes (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png games_collection5.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 5 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png games_collection6.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 6 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png games_collection7.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 7 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png games_collection8.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 8 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png games_collection9.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 9 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Games11.pdf Manual of the DAInamic Games 11 tape (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Mathfun3.pdf Manual for the Educational games cassettte (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png SFGT.pdf Library for fast screen graphics (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Sociale_Geografie.pdf Manual for analytical and graphical presentation software for educational purposes (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAI_DOS_1541-operating_system.pdf Introduction to DAI-DOS on the Commodore 1541 (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png users_manual_DAI-DOS_1541.pdf Manual for DAI-DOS on the Commodore 1541 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png FDD_Toolkit-1.pdf Announcement for the DAI-DOS_1541 tools diskette (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png FDD_Toolkit-1_programs_for_the_DAI_DOS_1541.pdf Instructions for the DAI-DOS_1541 tools diskette (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAIta-base.pdf Instructions for the DAIta database program (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAIta_base_v1.0.pdf Instructions for the DAIta database program (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAInatekst_v15.1.pdf Dutch version of the German DAINATEXT 14.3 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Oprichting_DAI-gebruikersgroep.pdf Announcment of the creation of the DAI HCC-user group (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png DAIreunie!!!.pdf Announcement of the reunion of DAI users from 1989 (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png FWG_Fast_Word-Processor.pdf Manual for the FWP (Fast Word Processor (Dutch) (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png stackmodificatie.pdf Modification to delay stack overflow reset. (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png Ken-dos_operating_manual.pdf Manual for the KEN DOS (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
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PDF data sheets and various doc

COMMENT= Datasheets & information of hard disks and interfaces
pdf.png wd1002.pdf WD1002-05 Winchester/floppy controller (WD1002-HD0 is the same board, but without the floppy controller)
compressed.png WD1002-05_Winchester_Controller_(19xx)(Western_Digital)(pdf).zip WD1002-05 OEM manual
pdf.png wdc703_706_wdc_oemman.pdf WD1002-SHD Winchester controller OEM Manual Document No.: 79-000004 from Ole Christensen @ comp.os.cpm
pdf.png hdc1100-x.pdf Hard Disk Controller chipset (WD1100-x)
pdf.png Xebec_S1410Man_Aug83.pdf Xebec SASI - ST506/412 controller interface from
compressed.png South Texas BBS Hard Drive Listing HDInfo 07/94 release 7
COMMENT= Datasheets computer related circuits
pdf.png SMC_crg.pdf SMC Cross Reference Guide (AMI, AMD, Fairchild, General Instruments, Harris, Intel, Motorola, National, NEC, Signetics, Solid State Scientific, DEC, Texas Instruments, Western Digital, Siemens, Rockwell)
pdf.png COM5016.pdf SMC baud rate generators COM 5016, 5016T, 5036, 5036T (clones of General Instruments AY-81116/36 and Western Digital BR1941. 1943/4)
pdf.png SMC_BaudGen.pdf SMC baud rate generators COM 5016, 5016T, 5026, 5026T, 5036, 5036T, 5046, 5046T, 8116, 8116T, 8126, 8126T, 8136, 8136T, 8146, 8146T, 8156, 8156T, 81C66, 81C66T
pdf.png DTL_data.pdf Short datasheets of some DTL devices: FCH221, FCJ101, FCJ111, FCK101, FCL101, FCY101, FCH102, FCH112, FCH122, FCH132, FCH142, FCH162, FCH152, FCH172, FCH182, FCH192, FCH202, FCH212, FCH222, FCJ102, FCK102, FCL102, FCY102
pdf.png sr5015-5017.pdf Shift registers (AMI S2182/3/5, National NS455)
COMMENT= Instructor 50 SCMP single board computer
pdf.png instructor50.pdf Partial Dutch manual of Signetics Instructor 50 SCMP computer (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png IntroductionToTheInstructor50.pdf Introduction to The Instructor 50 Desktop Computer, Signetics 1978, 2650 processor (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png SigneticsInstructor50UserGuide.pdf Signetics Instructor 50 User Guide, Signetics 1977, 2650 processor (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
COMMENT= Philips P3500 / P3800 computer systems
pdf.png Bürosystem-3000_Butler.pdf Philips Büro- Und Informationsysteme - Bürosystem 3000 Anwenderhandbuch (Thanks to fritz)
pdf.png P3x00_Ordner_Hardware.pdf Philips P3500 Ordner Hardware (Thanks to fritz)
compressed.png Philips Data Systems P3x00 Ordner Hardware Software Interface (Thanks to fritz)
pdf.png P3x00_Ordner_Netzteile.pdf Philips P3000 Ordner Netzteile (power supply) (Thanks to fritz)
compressed.png Philips P3500 Ordner PMU80/PMU186 processor & memory boards (Thanks to fritz)
compressed.png Philips P3500 Ordner SESCO (Second_Storage_Controller) (Thanks to fritz)
compressed.png Ordner various software; Pro Pascal & Wordstar (Thanks to fritz)
compressed.png Philips P3500/P3800 Ordner TurboDOS 1.4 (Thanks to fritz)
P3500-Disketten_2023-08-24-10.rar Philips P3500 floppy disk images in IMD format and contents as files. Includes TurboDOS R6 and R7 and more (Thanks to fritz).
pdf.png philips_p3500_turbodos_configuration_guide.pdf Philips P3500 TurboDOS Configuration Guide, Order Number 5122 993 62931 (From
pdf.png philips_p3500_turbodos_usres_guide4programmers.pdf Philips P3500 TurboDOS User's Guide for Programmers, Order Number 5122 993 62831 (From
pdf.png philips_turbodos_bediener_referenzhandbuch.pdf Philips P3500 TurboDOS Bediener Referenzhandbuch (german), Code 5122 993 62042 (From
compressed.png TurboDOS utilities with source code (assembly) (From
COMMENT= Philips P50x0 Word processing system
pdf.png P5020Geheugensteuntje.pdf Philips P5020 Word processing system function help (in Dutch), 5122 994 12523, Philips, September 1985. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png P5040Geheugensteuntje.pdf Philips P5040 Word processing system function help (in Dutch), 5122 994 14763, Philips, October 1988. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
COMMENT= Philips P800M mini computer
pdf.png P800M_PG2_VIII_SoftwareProcessors.pdf Philips P800M Programmer's Guide 2, Volume III: Software Processors, 5122 991 27392, August 1977. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png P800M_PRD.pdf Philips P800M Programmer's Reference Data, 5122 991 27431, Februari 1976. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VDTP816-816_01.pdf Philips P816/P818/X3300 - Video Display Unit - Field Support Manual, 5122 991 32951, December 1983 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png P800InstructionSet.pdf Philips P800 (P852/56/57 ..) Instruction Set (Extended Specification). Cleaned-up version, derived from
pdf.png P800AsmLangSpec.pdf Philips P800 Assembly Language Specification. Cleaned-up version, derived from
pdf.png P800_SystemHandbook.pdf Philips P856M/P857M System Handbook 5122 991 26932, April 1976. Cleaned-up version, derived from
pdf.png P855M_P860M_System_Description.pdf Philips P855M/P860M System Description 5122991 11372, October 1973. Cleaned-up version, derived from
pdf.png Ph_P851M.pdf Philips P851M Volume 1 Central Processor & Memories Technical Manual, 5122 991 28073, October 1978 (Thanks to Jos Dreesen)
COMMENT= Philips laboratory equipment
pdf.png PM2140.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Analog Input PM2140, 4822 872 30345, 86-07-07 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2141.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Analog Output PM2141, 4822 872 80014, 871001 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2190.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Display Module PM2190, 4822 872 30303, 850806 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2191.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Terminal Adapter PM2191, 4822 872 30304, 850806 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2192.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Extension Cable Set PM2192, 4822 872 30305, 850806 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2198.pdf Philips SYSTEM 21 Power Supply PM2198, 4822 872 30316, 851127 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2230.pdf Philips PM2230 Programming Card, 4822 872 80021, 871001 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2232.pdf Philips PM2232 Programming Card, 4822 872 80036, 880102 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2519.pdf Philips PM2519 Automatic Multimeter, 9499 470 19411, 830915 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM2528.pdf Philips PM2528, 9499 470 18511, 830330 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM3305CD.pdf Philips PM3305CD, 9499 440 25311, 840210 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM3551A.pdf Philips PM3551A Logic Analyzer Control Commands, 4822 871 80301, 850715 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM5190.pdf Philips PM5190 LF synthesizer, 9499 450 08311, 841 201 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM5390.pdf Philips PM5390 RF synthesizer, 9499 520 08311, 831201 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM6652.pdf Philips PM6652 / PM6654 Programmable Timer / Counters, 9499 460 11111, 831015 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM8151.pdf Philips PM8151 Digital Plotter, 9499 430 09011, 830630 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM8154.pdf Philips PM8154 Digital Plotter, 9499 430 10411, 840301 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png KS8237.pdf Philips KS8237 Multipoint Data Recorder, 9499 430 10811, 840301 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PM8957.pdf Philips PM8957 4822 872 00378, 880422 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png ControllerStatements.pdf Philips Controller Statements for String Handling and Bus Control, 9499 997 01411, 840606 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png ISOCodingTable.pdf Philips ISO Coding Table (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png SBaFD.pdf Philips System Building and Fault Diagnostics, 9499 997 00511, 830104 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png TM_AItMDD.pdf Philips Training Manual Intro. to Magnetic Disk Drives (Pub.No. 5122 991 35171) November 1987 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
COMMENT= Philips CD-writer
pdf.png Philips_CDD2000.pdf Philips CDD2000 manual, including CD-R, or "Orange-book" specifications.
COMMENT= DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual
pdf.png fileFormats.pdf DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual Chapter 4, Eprom programmer file formats: ASCII Space HEX, Binary Transfer (paper tape), Intel Intellec 8/MDS Format, Intel MCS-86 Hexadecimal Object, Motorola Exorciser (S1) Format, Motorola Exormax (S1 and S2) Format, Motorola 32-bit (S3) Format, Tektronix Hexadecimal Format
pdf.png DataIO_212_Ch00-01.pdf DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual index & Chapter 1 Getting Started
pdf.png DataIO_212_Ch02.pdf DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual Chapter 2 Front Panel Operation
pdf.png DataIO_212_Ch03.pdf DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual Chapter 3 Terminal Remote Control
pdf.png DataIO_212_ss21.pdf DATA I/O 212 Multi Programmer Manual Chapter System Software 2.1
COMMENT= Olivetti M20 PCOS 3.0 User Guide
pdf.png PCOS_30_UG_1.pdf Olivetti M20 PCOS 3.0 User Guide TOC, Chapter 1 - 6 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PCOS_30_UG_2.pdf Olivetti M20 PCOS 3.0 User Guide Chapter 7 -12 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PCOS_30_UG_3.pdf Olivetti M20 PCOS 3.0 User Guide Chapter 13 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png PCOS_30_UG_4.pdf Olivetti M20 PCOS 3.0 User Guide Chapter Appendix A - H (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
COMMENT= Falco 500e series terminals
pdf.png Falco500ConfigurationGuide.pdf Falco Quick Setup Manual Falco 500 series video display terminal
pdf.png Falco500QuickSetupManual.pdf Falco 500e series configuration guide P/N 210010-000 Revision A
COMMENT= Micral computers
pdf.png R2E_Micral.pdf Article on Micral computers (including the cool Micral V, a suitcase computer with 5 1/4" floppy drive from 1977!) from "Numéro spécial hors série No.24 -- Les ordinateurs et la vie quotidienne" from the scientific magazine "Sciences & Avenir", published between May and October 1978. The original Micral computers were 8008 based. (French) Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
COMMENT= MC-grafik terminal board 1983
pdf.png mc-Grafik-Terminal.pdf mc-Magazine article from August 1983 on an EF-9366 graphics processor based terminal.
compressed.png Terminal software (Z80 assembly) with the MC_Grafik_Terminal, 1200 Baud
COMMENT= Floppy drive manuals
image2.png epson_sd-680l.gif Epson SD-680L 5.25" Floppy Drive Jumpers from
image2.png epson_smd-300.gif Epson SMD-300 3.5" Flopp Drive Jumpers from
pdf.png NEC_FD1165_Maintenance.pdf NEC FD1165 8" Floppy drive maintenance manual
pdf.png NEC_FD1165_8_inch_floppy.pdf NEC FD1165 8" Floppy drive product description
pdf.png Shugart_Model_SA1000_Series_Service_Manual.pdf Shugart 8" hard disk Model SA1000 Series Service Manual (from
pdf.png TandonTM848_ShippingCarton.pdf The shipping Carton of the Tandon TM848 8" disk drive. It contains the jumper options (strappable options)
pdf.png YE_Data_YD-174_8inchFloppyDriveTechnicalManual.pdf YE Data YD-174 8" THE TWO-SIDED FLOPPY DISK DRIVE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION from
pdf.png YE_Data_YD-380_5.25inchHHHDFloppy.pdf YE_ Data YD-380 5.25" Half Height, High Density, Double Sided, Floppy Drive.pdf from
pdf.png BASF6101_TechnischesHandbuch.pdf Technical manual BASF 6101 (German) (Thanks to Roland Huisman)
pdf.png BASF_6101_MiniDiskDriveProdSpec78.pdf BASF 6106 MINI DISK DRIVE - PRODUCT AND INTERFACE SPECIFICATION SPEC. 80308-038, Rev.8, December 1978 (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png Tandon_TM100_Operating_and_Service_Manual.pdf Tandon TM100 Operating and service manual TM100-3, -3M, -4 and -4M disk drives 96/100 tracks per inch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
COMMENT= Dysan Mini 48TPI Diagnostic Diskette
pdf.png DysanMini48TPIDiagnosticDiskette.pdf Diagnostic diskette track specification (offset and azimuth)
image2.png DysanMini48TPIDiagnosticDiskette.jpg Optical image (single sided :-))
pdf.png VAX_ISA_toc1-5.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - TOC, Chapter 1 to 5 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_6-7.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Chapter 6 to 7 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_8.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Chapter 8 - Basic Architecture (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_9A.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Chapter 9 - Instruction Set first part (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_9B.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Chapter 9 - Instruction Set second part (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_10.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Chapter 10 - Vax Vector Architecture (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VAX_ISA_App.pdf DEC VMS Programming Volume 9 - Appendix A to E, Index (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png SMM.pdf DEC VMS System Manager's Manual - Management tasks part (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png SMR.pdf DEC VMS System Manager's Manual - Reference part (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
COMMENT= Commodore 1084S-D1 colour monitor
pdf.png CBM1084S_manual_en.pdf Manual for the Commodore 1084S-D1 (with gray badge) english only
pdf.png CBM1084S_schema.pdf Schema for the Commodore 1084S-D1 (with gray badge)
COMMENT= Toshiba T3200 Personal Computer Owner's Manual
pdf.png T3200PCOM.pdf Toshiba T3200 Personal Computer Owner's Manual PAD8531-1
COMMENT= The Programmer's CP/M Handbook
pdf.png TPCH00-04.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - TOC, Chapters 1 to 4
pdf.png TPCH05.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapter 5
pdf.png TPCH06-07.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapters 6 - 7
pdf.png TPCH08.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapter 8
pdf.png TPCH09-10.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapters 9 - 10
pdf.png TPCH11.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapter 11
pdf.png TPCH12-ABCDI.pdf The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Chapter 12, appendices, index
compressed.png The Programmer's CP/M Handbook - Andy Jonhson-Laird - Source listings
COMMENT= Xenix / Unix documentation
Altos_doc sub directory with the Altos Xenix documentation
SCO_doc sub directory with the SCO Unix documentation
COMMENT= HCC OSI-GG documentation
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG_1e50P-Boek.pdf HCC OSI-GG 1e 50P-Boek februari 1981 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG_2e50P-Boek.pdf HCC OSI-GG 2e 50P-Boek april 1981 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG-3-9.pdf HCC OSI-GG deel 3-9, oktober 1981 - oktober 1983 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG-10.pdf HCC OSI-GG deel 10, februari 1984 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG-11.pdf HCC OSI-GG deel 11, november 1984 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG-12-13.pdf HCC OSI-GG deel 12/13, februari 1985 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
pdf.png HCC_OSI-GG-14.pdf HCC OSI-GG deel 12/13, september 1985 (dutch) Ohio Scientific Challenger / Superboard
COMMENT= Various
pdf.png TI57_IthP.pdf TI-Programmable 57 Inleiding tot het Programmeren (dutch)
pdf.png BBC2ndProcF77.pdf BBC Microcomputer 32016 Second Processor, Acorn FORTRAN 77 user guide, issue D
pdf.png MGC81.pdf The 'MICRO COMPUTER GIDS'81' from 1981, DataBus magazine / Kluwer publisher (dutch)
pdf.png REuP81.pdf 'MICRO PROCESSOREN' from 1981, a special from Radio Electronics (dutch)
pdf.png MS_basicReferenceBook.pdf Microsoft Basic Reference Book 7100-02 © 1981 MICROSOFT
pdf.png ULCNetwork4PC_Byte198110.pdf The 'Ultra Low Cost Network for Personal Computers" article from Byte magazine October 1981
pdf.png 8086instruction_set_summary.pdf Intel 8086 instruction set summary
pdf.png M15_InstallationAndOperationsGuide.pdf Olivetti Portable Computer M15 Installation and Operations Guide
folder icon

PDF documentation for the DEC MINC-11

pdf.png BDV11-A.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00489 M8012 Boot, Terminator Diagnostic ROM (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png DLV11-J-1.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00586 M8043 4 Serial Line Per.Ctlr. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png DRV11-J.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00866 M8049 Parallel Line Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png H786-0.pdf Power Supply (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png IBV-A.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00274 M7954-0 LSI11/IB Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png KD11-NA.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP002563 M7270-0 LSI-LL CPU (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png LA180.pdf DecPrinter (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png LPV11-P.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00466 M8027-0 Printer Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNC11.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00652 MNC11 System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAA.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00590 A6002-0 D/A for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAD.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00592 A013-0 A/D for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAM.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00591 A154-0 Mux for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCDI.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00595 M5915-0 Digital Input for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCDO.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00594 M6003-0 Digital Output for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCKW.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00593 M7953-0 Real Time Clock for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MS11-E.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00021 M7847-0 Unibus Mos Memory (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MSV11-D.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00566 M8044-0 32K X 16 MOS Memory System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RL01.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00347 RL01 Disk Drive (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RLV11.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00635 M8013/M8014 Disk Controller (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RXV21.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00628 RXV21 Floppy Disk System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VT105.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00642 VT105 Graphics Terminal (difference to VT100 only?) (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B1_ItM.pdf Book 1 Introduction to MINC, November 1978, AA-D571A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B2_MPF.pdf Book 2 MINC Programming Fundamentals, June 1980, AA-D799B-TC, VERSION 1.2 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B3_MPR.pdf Book 3 MINC Programming Reference, November 1978, AA-D800A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B4_MGP.pdf Book 4 MINC Graphics Programming, November 1978, AA-D574A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B5_MIBP.pdf Book 5 MINC IEEE Bus Programming, November 1978, AA-D801A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B6_MLMP.pdf Book 6 MINC Lab Module Programming, November 1978, AA-D575A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B7_WwMD.pdf Book 7 Working with MINC Devices, November 1978, AA-D572A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B8_MSI.pdf Book 8 MINC System Index, November 1978, AA-D576A-TC, VERSION 1.0 includes error message compendium (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MINC_Brochure.pdf Full color "Meet MINC, Personal Laboratory Computer Systems" brochure 1981 (Thanks to Mark Matlock)
pdf.png Maalpotp11.1.pdf Machine and Assembly Language Programming of the PDP-11; Arthur Gray, 1st edition
pdf.png TheUltimateEntrepreneur.pdf The ultimate entrepreneur 1988 edition
folder icon

PDF documentation for the DEC MiniMINC

pdf.png B1_ItMM.pdf Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC, August 1979, AA-H400A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
text.png 01IntroCh1.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC TOC and Chapter 1 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh2.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 2 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh3.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 3 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh456.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 4, 5, 6 (text)
text.png 01IntroAppAB.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Appendix A and B (text)
text.png 01IntroGlos.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Glossary (text)
pdf.png B2_MPF.pdf Book 2 MINC Programming Fundamentals, June 1980, AA-D799B-TC, VERSION 1.2 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png B3_MPR.pdf Book 3 MINC Programming Reference, November 1978, AA-D800A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png B4_MGP.pdf Book 4 MINC Graphics Programming, November 1978, AA-D574A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png MMS.pdf MiniMINC Supplement, August 1979, AA_H789A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png MACRO-11_AdministratorGuide.pdf MACRO-11 Administration Guide (EY-DC046-AG-001)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Epson HX-20

COMMENT= Epson documentation
image2.png om_cover.jpg Operation Manual cover
pdf.png om0-6.pdf Operation Manual chapter 0-6
pdf.png om7-11ABC.pdf Operation Manual chapter 7-11, appendix A-C
image2.png brm_cover.jpg Basic Reference Manual cover
pdf.png brm0-2.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 0-2
pdf.png brm3.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 3
image2.png brm3-44-45.png Basic Reference Manual chapter 3 missing page 44 and 45
pdf.png brm4-5.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 4-5
pdf.png brmA-J.pdf Basic Reference Manual appendix A-J
image2.png tm_cover.jpg Technical Reference Manual cover
pdf.png tmH_TOC-01-02.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware toc, chapter 1-2 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_03.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware chapter 3 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_04.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware chapter 4 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_05.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware chapter 5 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_06-07.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware chapter 6 and 7 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_08.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware chapter 8 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmH_AppA.pdf Technical Reference Manual Hardware Appendix A only. Scanned at 600 dpi (mostly) and 1200 dpi (MOSU board only)
pdf.png Epson_HX_20_Software_Reference_Manual.pdf Remaster of the Technical Reference Manual Software (text-searchable PDF!) (Thanks to José M. Tévar)
pdf.png tmS_01-03.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 1-3 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_04.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 4 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_05.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 5 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_06-07.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 6-7 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_08-09.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 8-9 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_10-11.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 10-11 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_12.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 12 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_13-14.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 13-14 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_15-17.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 15-17 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png tmS_18.pdf Technical Reference Manual Software chapter 18 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png TRM.pdf Technical Reference Manual hardware early version H8294018-0 / Y202990006
pdf.png TRMF.pdf Technical Reference Manual firmware early version H8294018-0 / Y202990006
text.png TRM_TRMF_toc.txt ASCII toc for TRM.pdf and TRMF.pdf
pdf.png EpsonTechSuppManS1_1.pdf Epson Technical Support Manual Section 1 part 1 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png EpsonTechSuppManS1_2.pdf Epson Technical Support Manual Section 1 part 2 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
text.png TSD_003.txt TOC of the Epson Technical Support Manual Section 1 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
COMMENT= Third-party documentation
pdf.png SwAsDisAs.pdf HAND-HELD-COMPUTER HX-20 Software ASSEMBLER DISASSEMBLER contains all/most of the HX-20 EPSP commands (German/English) (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
text.png epsp.txt Epsp-commands mainly extracted from SwAsDisAs.pdf in text.
pdf.png h20eu.pdf Schematics of the H20EU Expansion Unit (Thanks to Tony Duell for creating and Dave Colver for scanning)
pdf.png ManudaxTechSuppDoc.pdf Manudax Technical Support Document (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png raxUtils.pdf FFOSS RAX UTILITIES manual (Document F/RU/080, 2AUG83) (Thanks to Rob van Schaik)
pdf.png HD6301.pdf Part of the HD6301 datasheet (instruction set summary)
pdf.png Intext.pdf INTEXT WP Text Editor User Manual (Thanks to Rob van Schaik)
pdf.png Int16KCMOSExpBrd.pdf 3rd party internal 16 kByte CMOS Expansion Board installation and configuration instructions (German / English)
pdf.png ROMCartridgeMountingProcedure.pdf H20RC ROM Cartridge Mounting Procedure H8294005-1
pdf.png CDapplicationSchema.pdf Compudata "EPSON Application-Schema Hand-Computer HX20" (Dutch) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
COMMENT= Leaflets, pricelists, etc, ...
pdf.png CDprijslijst.pdf Compudata "EPSON prijslijst HX20" januari 1983 (Dutch, in 1983 guilders) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png Mprijslijst-198501.pdf Manudax prijslijst HX-20 januari 1985 (Dutch, in 1983 guilders) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png ManudaxFolder.pdf Manudax folder HX-20 (Dutch) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png EpsonHX20Leaflet.pdf Epson HX-20 Leaflet "Take anywhere, use any time..." (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png EpsonHX20Folder.pdf Epson HX-20 Folder (8 pages) "Take anywhere, use any time..."
pdf.png TransamHX20Folder.pdf Transam HX20 Folder "Imagine ..." (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png TransamHX20Leaflet.pdf Transam HX20 Leaflet "... on the move." (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png TransamHX20PriceList.pdf Transam HX20 Price list August 1983, in UK Pounds (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
pdf.png Using and programming the Epson HX-20 portable computer_(Eric Balkan (auth.))_1985.pdf Using and programming the Epson HX-20 portable computer - Eric Balkan - 1985.pdf
pdf.png hx20__qr.pdf EPSON HX-20 notebook computer QUICK REFERENCE / No. HD-001
pdf.png hx20__sl.pdf EPSON HX-20 Specifications
pdf.png hx20__t1.pdf HX-20 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS
pdf.png hx20__u1.pdf EPSON HX-20 OPERATIONS MANUAL
pdf.png Steuerberechnung 1984 mit dem Epson HX-20_(Eduard Sachtje, Werner Grajewski (auth.))_1985.pdf Steuerberechnung 1984 mit dem Epson HX-20_(Eduard Sachtje, Werner Grajewski (auth.))_1985 (german)
folder icon

LNW-80 documentation in HTML

generic.png trm.html LNW80 Technical Reference Manual in HTML
pdf.png LNW80_Technical_Reference_Manual_(1982)(LNW_Research_Corp)(pdf).pdf LNW80 Technical Reference Manual in PDF. (From: TRS80 Archives)
generic.png mom.html LNW80 Microcomputer Operating Manual in HTML
pdf.png LNW80_Microcomputer_Operations_Manual_(1982)(LNW_Research)(pdf).pdf LNW80 Microcomputer Operating Manual in PDF. (From: TRS80 Archives)
generic.png lndoubler.html LNW LNDoubler manual in HTML
pdf.png LNDoubler_5-8_Double_Density_Adapter_User_Manual_v1.0_[a]_(1981)(LNW_Research_Corp)(pdf).pdf LNW LNDoubler manual in PDF. (From: TRS80 Archives)
generic.png lnwbasic21.html LNW80 Basic 2.1 manual in HTML
generic.png lnwbasic401.html LNW80 Basic 4.01 manual in HTML
pdf.png LNWBasic_v4.0_Manual_(1982)(Modular_Software_Associates)(pdf).pdf LNW80 Basic 4.01 manual in PDF
pdf.png LNWBasic_v4.0_Quick_Reference_(19xx)(Modular_Software_Associates)(pdf).pdf LNW Basic v4.0 Quick Reference (From: TRS80 Archives)
generic.png lnwcpm.html LNW-CP/M manual in HTML
LNW-CPM_Operating_System_19xx_R.M._Stiles.djvu LNW-CP/M manual in djvu (From:
generic.png charm.html Charm character driver and generator manual
generic.png hiresdrivers.html LNW80 hires drivers for 80 column display
pdf.png LNW Research Graphics Software.pdf Manual for programs using the LNW80 graphics capability. (From:
generic.png LNW_Research_Graphics_Software.html Manual for programs using the LNW80 graphics capability. (As html, thanks to Keith Howell)
pdf.png LNW_System_Expansion_User_Manual_(1979)(LNW_Research_Corp)(pdf).pdf LNW Research System Expansion User Manual 1979
pdf.png LNW80 - Galaxy of Features.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW80 Model 2 is Here.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research - AUTOPLOT - High-Resolution Graphics with a Few Keystrokes.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research - CHARM - A Programmable Character Generator.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research - Letter from Marketing Dept.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research - LNWBASIC - Modular Software Associates - An Advanced Disk Basic for the LNW80.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research Retail Price List 05-01-1982.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW Research - The Switch - LNDoubler 5-8 - Double Density Disk Controller.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
pdf.png LNW System Expansion II.pdf (Thanks to Don Pitts)
COMMENT= disk images
cpm-sys.td0 CP/M-2.2 v3.6 system disk (From:
dos-boot.td0 DOSPLUS boot disk (From:
dos-plus.td0 DOSPLUS boot disk - part 2 (From:
multidos.td0 MULTIDOS disk (From:
charm14.dmk Charm font design and driver
hiresboard.dmk High resolution drivers
lnw80x24drv.dmk LNW driver for 80x24
lnwbasic21.dmk LNWBASIC 2.1
lnwbasic401.dmk LNWBASIC 4.01
lnwcpm22b31.dmk LNW CP/M 2.2b31
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Olivetti M10

pdf.png M10Manual.pdf Operating Guide
pdf.png m10qrg.pdf Quick Reference Guide
folder icon

Scanned PDFs for the Olivetti M15

pdf.png M15_InstallationAndOperationsGuide.pdf Installation and Operations Guide
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Tandy M200

pdf.png mplan.pdf Microsoft Multiplan for the TRS-80 model 100
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-100_reference-manual.pdf Model 100 Reference Manual (Originally from archive)
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-100_service-manual.pdf Model 100 Service Manual (Originally from archive)
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-102_reference-manual.pdf Model 102 Reference Manual (Originally from archive)
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-200_reference-manual.pdf Model 200 Reference Manual (Originally from archive)
folder icon

Documentation on the MC6809 MicroKit09 trainer board computer

pdf.png Microkit09_LED10.pdf Scan from the first article in Led magazine 10, September 1983 From:
pdf.png Microkit09_LED12.pdf Scan from the third article in Led magazine 10, November 1983 From:
pdf.png (Ele)_6809_Etudes_Autour_du_6809.pdf A rewrite and extension of the Led articles From:
pdf.png ListingMicrokit09.pdf Scans of the original monitor listing v0.8 From:
MICROMON.BIN Binary image of the monitor v0.8 From:
text.png MICROMON.hex Hex-intel image of the monitor v0.8 From:
text.png MICROMONOUT.TXT Assembly listing of the monitor v0.8 From:
text.png MICROMON.TXT ASCII text listing of the monitor v0.8 From:
pdf.png microKit09MK2CPUv11.pdf Redrawn schema of the CPU board
pdf.png microKit09MK2IOv11.pdf Redrawn schema of the I/O board
pdf.png MPMC6809.pdf Microprocessortechniek MC6809, Programming en interfacing (Dutch)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the DEC MINC-11

pdf.png BDV11-A.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00489 M8012 Boot, Terminator Diagnostic ROM (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png DLV11-J-1.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00586 M8043 4 Serial Line Per.Ctlr. (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png DRV11-J.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00866 M8049 Parallel Line Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png H786-0.pdf Power Supply (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png IBV-A.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00274 M7954-0 LSI11/IB Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png KD11-NA.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP002563 M7270-0 LSI-LL CPU (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png LA180.pdf DecPrinter (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png LPV11-P.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00466 M8027-0 Printer Interface (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNC11.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00652 MNC11 System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAA.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00590 A6002-0 D/A for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAD.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00592 A013-0 A/D for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCAM.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00591 A154-0 Mux for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCDI.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00595 M5915-0 Digital Input for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCDO.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00594 M6003-0 Digital Output for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MNCKW.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00593 M7953-0 Real Time Clock for Minc (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MS11-E.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00021 M7847-0 Unibus Mos Memory (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MSV11-D.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00566 M8044-0 32K X 16 MOS Memory System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RL01.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00347 RL01 Disk Drive (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RLV11.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00635 M8013/M8014 Disk Controller (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png RXV21.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00628 RXV21 Floppy Disk System (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png VT105.pdf PRINT SET ORDER MP00642 VT105 Graphics Terminal (difference to VT100 only?) (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B1_ItM.pdf Book 1 Introduction to MINC, November 1978, AA-D571A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B2_MPF.pdf Book 2 MINC Programming Fundamentals, June 1980, AA-D799B-TC, VERSION 1.2 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B3_MPR.pdf Book 3 MINC Programming Reference, November 1978, AA-D800A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B4_MGP.pdf Book 4 MINC Graphics Programming, November 1978, AA-D574A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B5_MIBP.pdf Book 5 MINC IEEE Bus Programming, November 1978, AA-D801A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B6_MLMP.pdf Book 6 MINC Lab Module Programming, November 1978, AA-D575A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B7_WwMD.pdf Book 7 Working with MINC Devices, November 1978, AA-D572A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png B8_MSI.pdf Book 8 MINC System Index, November 1978, AA-D576A-TC, VERSION 1.0 includes error message compendium (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png MINC_Brochure.pdf Full color "Meet MINC, Personal Laboratory Computer Systems" brochure 1981 (Thanks to Mark Matlock)
pdf.png Maalpotp11.1.pdf Machine and Assembly Language Programming of the PDP-11; Arthur Gray, 1st edition
pdf.png TheUltimateEntrepreneur.pdf The ultimate entrepreneur 1988 edition
folder icon

PDF documentation for the DEC MiniMINC

pdf.png B1_ItMM.pdf Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC, August 1979, AA-H400A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
text.png 01IntroCh1.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC TOC and Chapter 1 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh2.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 2 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh3.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 3 (text)
text.png 01IntroCh456.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Chapter 4, 5, 6 (text)
text.png 01IntroAppAB.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Appendix A and B (text)
text.png 01IntroGlos.txt Book 1 Introduction to MiniMINC Glossary (text)
pdf.png B2_MPF.pdf Book 2 MINC Programming Fundamentals, June 1980, AA-D799B-TC, VERSION 1.2 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png B3_MPR.pdf Book 3 MINC Programming Reference, November 1978, AA-D800A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png B4_MGP.pdf Book 4 MINC Graphics Programming, November 1978, AA-D574A-TC, VERSION 1.0 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png MMS.pdf MiniMINC Supplement, August 1979, AA_H789A-TC, VERSION 1.1 (Thanks to Aad van der Heiden)
pdf.png MACRO-11_AdministratorGuide.pdf MACRO-11 Administration Guide (EY-DC046-AG-001)
folder icon

PDF documentation and ROM dumps for the Multitech MPF-1 computer

image2.png um-00-front.jpg Front cover of the MPF-1 manual
pdf.png MPF-1_usersManual.pdf Manual for the MPF-1 "Micro-professor" (DOC.NO.:M1001-8412A)
image2.png um-99-back.jpg Back cover of the MPF-1 manual
pdf.png MPSL.pdf MPF-I monitor program source listing (DOC.NO.:M1002-8412A)
pdf.png BASIC-MPF.pdf BASIC-MPF Operating Manual (DOC.No.:M1006-8412A)
image2.png tinyBasicKeyboardOverlay.jpg Tiny Basic keyboard overlay (thanks to Steven Bauer)
text.png mpf-1b.hex ROM dump of the MPF-1b ROM (2k)
compressed.png ROM dump of the MPF-1 ROM (unknown source, 4k, patched monitor)
text.png monitor_and_tiny_basic.u6.hex ROM dump of the MPF-1 ROM, monitor plus Tiny Basic (from MESS emulator site)
image2.png boxFront.jpg High-res image of the box, front side (thanks to Rik Bos)
image2.png boxBack.jpg High-res image of the box, back side (thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png MPF-I_Handbuch.pdf MPF-IP User's Manual translated to German (thanks to Mathias Ohlerich).
pdf.png MPF-1_Handleiding.pdf MPF-IP User's Manual translated to Dutch.
pdf.png MPF-1_experimentManual.pdf MPF-I Experiment Manual (Software/Hardware) (DOC.NO.:M1003-8412A)
pdf.png MPF-1-01-210A.pdf MPF-I as a frequency counter (DOC.NO.MFP-I-01-210A) (thanks to Ashley Buckner,
pdf.png MPF-1-02-210A.pdf MFP-I as a traffic light controller (DOC.NO.MFP-I-02-210A) (thanks to Ashley Buckner,
pdf.png MPF-1-03-210A.pdf MFP-I as a game sound generator (DOC.NO.MFP-I-03-210A) (thanks to Ashley Buckner,
pdf.png MPF-1-04-210A.pdf Playing poker game with MFP-I (DOC.NO.MFP-I-04-210A) (thanks to Ashley Buckner,
compressed.png Retyped source code from the four documents above
pdf.png MPF-1_Student_Work_Book.pdf The MPF-I Student Work Book from:
pdf.png Sturen met de microprocessor Z80_NL.pdf Sturen met de microprocessor Z80 (in Dutch) thanks to Ruud Baltissen
pdf.png De microprocessor Z80 stap_voor_stap-NL.pdf De microprocessor Z80 stap_voor_stap (in Dutch) thanks to Ruud Baltissen
compressed.png A dump of the original MPF-IP Monitor ROM U2 (thanks to Robert Coward)
pdf.png MPF-IP-User-Manual.pdf MPF-IP User's Manual Doc.No.:MIP04-8412B (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
pdf.png MPF-IP_infosheet.pdf MPF_IP Info leaflet (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
compressed.png MPF-IP schematics, redrawn from:
pdf.png MPF-IP_ExpManSwHw.pdf MPF-IP Experiment Manual (Software/hardware) DOC.NO.:MIP05-8412A (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
MPF1plus-manuel.djvu MPF-IP User's Manual translated to French. from:
compressed.png A dump of the original MPF-IP Basic ROM for U3 (thanks to Robert Coward)
compressed.png A dump of a newer MPF-IP Basic ROM for U3. This one works better with the PRT_MPF printer (thanks to Michael Wessel)
pdf.png MPF-IP_BASIC_Manual.pdf MPF-IP BASIC Programming Manual from:
compressed.png A dump of the MPF-IP Forth ROM for U3 (thanks to Robert Coward)
pdf.png FORTH-IP.pdf Manual from Acer for FORTH for the MPF-IP from:
compressed.png Rom dump for the TVA-MPF-1P GDP (EF9367) board from:
compressed.png Disassembly with minor annotation, indicating the used memory ranges.
pdf.png prt-mpf-IB.pdf Manual for the MPF1-IB printer DOC.NO.:MI001-8605A
pdf.png prt-mpf-IP.pdf Manual for the MPF1-IP printer
pdf.png MPF-PRT-IP-V6.pdf Redrawn (but not final) schematic of version 6 of the PRT-MPF board
text.png prt-ib.hex ROM dump of the MPF1-IB printer
text.png prt-ip.hex ROM dump of the MPF1-IP printer
pdf.png mpf1-ssb.pdf Manual for the MPF1-SSB speech board
pdf.png SSB-MPF-IP.pdf Speech Synthesizer Board Operation Manual, DOC.NO.MIP03-8403A (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
text.png ssb-ib.hex ROM dump of the MPF1-SSB speech board
text.png MPF-EPB.hex ROM dump of the EPB-MPF eprom burner board (thanks to Ken Stone)
compressed.png schemas of the EPB-MPF
pdf.png EPB-MPF.pdf Manual for the MPF1-EPB EPROM programmer board DOC.NO.:MIP16-8406B (thanks to Mathias Ohlerich)
pdf.png EPB-MPF-1BP_Users_Manual.pdf Manual for the MPF1-EPB EPROM programmer program (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
pdf.png IOM-MPF-1P.pdf Manual for the IOM-MPF-1P board. thanks to Notator at
IOMdemos.asm Assembly source of the IOM ROM (untested)
compressed.png Schema for the IOM-MPF-IPB from:
pdf.png iom_schema_original.pdf MPF-IP schematics, original converted to PDF
pdf.png IOM-MPF-1P.kicad_sch_redrawn.pdf Redrawn schema's of the IOM-MPF-1P
compressed.png ROM contents of the IOM-MPF-1P board. thanks to Notator at
pdf.png mpf1_video_german.pdf Manual for the MPF1-video board from Bardehle Germany
VIOmod.tgz Bardehle VIO ROM for the V1.2 board. This contains the original and modified version of the program ROM, complete with disassembly, fixing the character mangling. Also contains the VIO CHAR character ROM.
compressed.png VIO_MPF_I ROM version 2.2. cleaned up code and memory dump added.
pdf.png video-mpf-1.pdf Redrawn schematic for v1.0 (or v1.1) based on the manual
pdf.png VIO_MPF_schema_v1.2.pdf Redrawn schematic for the v1.2 board
text.png vio_v20modpal.hex Monitor for the VIO-MFP-IPlus version 2.0 with correct PAL timing
COMMENT= E&L MZ-80Z, The Fox
pdf.png MT-80Z_(FOX)_SCHEMATIC_and_BOM_PN_80-01-0254_Dated_11-1985.pdf Schematic and BOM for the E&L MT-80Z, Dated 12-1987 (thanks to John Waalkes)
pdf.png MT-80Z_(FOX)_SCHEMATIC_and_BOM_PN_80-01-0444_Dated_12_1987.pdf Schematic and BOM for the E&L MT-80Z, Dated 11-1985
pdf.png TheFoxMT80ZUserManualRev882.353069831.pdf User Manual for the (E&L) 'TheFox' MT-80Z thanks to John Waalkes
compressed.png ROM contents for MT-80Z, both MPF-clone and E& L variant thanks to John Waalkes
COMMENT= miscellaneous
pdf.png MPF1_MAB_Manual.pdf Manual of the Flite Electronics International Limited 'Multi Application Board'
text.png Sciento_robot_arm_cs-113.hex ROM dump for the Sciento CS-113 robot arm (from
image2.png ScientoRobotArmKeyboardOverlay.jpg Sciento robot arm keyboard overlay (thanks to Steven Bauer)
CatalogueScientoBVau02-10-1986.djvu Duch importer marketing material, including Fischertechnik module interfaces and 'Blinkenlights' board. (thanks to jeffounet from
pdf.png 1983-multitech-mpf-i-mpf-ip-brochure-learn-computing.pdf Brochure from Multitech from 1983? with pictures and information on the MPF-1P, MPF-1B and expansion boards. (from
pdf.png de_profs_4-5-1987.pdf Magazine of the "Stichting Gebruikersgroep Microprofessor", 4e JAARGANG NO 5 SEPTEMBER/OKTOBER 1987 (thanks to Arie de Muijnck)
pdf.png MPF 1 Mikroprozessor Christiani.pdf Mikroprozessortechnik 1 Einführung mit dem Micro-Professor - Herausgeber: R. Christiani from:
pdf.png MPF 1 Peripherie Christiani.pdf Peripherie-Bausteine 8255 , Z80 PIO , CTC , Z80 Interrupt - Herausgeber: R. Christiani from:
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Sharp MZ700 & MZ800 computers

pdf.png SysProgMan00-01_toc-outline.pdf MZ-800 System Program Manual (TOC and outline) (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
pdf.png SysProgMan02_edt_asm.pdf MZ-800 System Program Manual (Editor/Assembler) (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
pdf.png SysProgMan03_sym_dbg.pdf MZ-800 System Program Manual (Symbolic Debugger) (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
pdf.png SysProgMan04_samplep_app.pdf MZ-800 System Program Manual (Sample Programs and Appendix) (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
pdf.png zen_man.pdf MZ-700 Zen Z80-Editor/Assembler/Debugger manual (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
pdf.png zen_src.pdf MZ-700 Zen Z80-Editor/Assembler/Debugger source (Thanks to Jan van Wiggen)
folder icon

Documentation for the Philips P2000C computer

image2.png P2000COperatingManual.jpg P2000C - OPERATOR MANUAL (5103 993 30122) Front cover
pdf.png P2000COperatingManual.pdf P2000C - OPERATOR MANUAL (5103 993 30122)
pdf.png HardwareBedieningshandleiding.pdf P2000C - Hardware Manual (Dutch) (5122 994 12621) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
image2.png P2519CPM_UserGuide.jpg P2000C - CP/M User Guide (5103 993 21922) Front cover
pdf.png P2519CPM_UserGuide.pdf P2000C - CP/M User Guide (5103 993 21922)
pdf.png CPMGebruikershandleiding.pdf P2000C - CPM User Manual (Dutch) (5122 994 12542) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
image2.png P2511BIOM.jpg P2000C - P2511 Basic Interpreter Operator Manual (5103 993 21121) Front cover
pdf.png P2511BIOM_0-6.pdf P2000C - P2511 Basic Interpreter Operator Manual chapter 1 to 6 (5103 993 21121)
pdf.png P2511BIOM_7.pdf P2000C - P2511 Basic Interpreter Operator Manual chapter 7 (5103 993 21121)
pdf.png P2511BIOM_8-index.pdf P2000C - P2511 Basic Interpreter Operator Manual chapter 8 to index (5103 993 21121)
image2.png P2509ABIOM.jpg P2000C - P2509 Advanced Basic Interpreter Operator Manual (5103 993 20921) Front cover
pdf.png P2509ABIOM.pdf P2000C - P2509 Advanced Basic Interpreter Operator Manual (5103 993 20921) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
pdf.png P2519_CPM_Reference.pdf P2000C - P2519 CP/M REFERENCE MANUAL (5103 993 11921) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
image2.png P2093_CoPowerBoard.jpg P2000C - P2093 8088 COPOWER BOARD REFERENCE MANUAL (5103 933 30522) Front cover
pdf.png P2093_CoPowerBoard0-8.pdf P2000C - P2093 8088 COPOWER BOARD REFERENCE MANUAL Chapter 0-8 (5103 933 30522) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
pdf.png P2093_CoPowerBoard9-10.pdf P2000C - P2093 8088 COPOWER BOARD REFERENCE MANUAL Chapter 9-10 (5103 933 30522) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
pdf.png TTYUserGuide.pdf P2000C - TTY User Guide (5103 993 12621) (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
image2.png TTYUserGuide.jpg P2000C - TTY User Guide (5103 993 12621) Front cover
pdf.png PTC_Katalogus.pdf Public Domain software P2000C (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
pdf.png Datasheet.pdf P2000C - Datasheet (Thanks to Robert Sprokholt)
text.png Datasheet.txt P2000C - Datasheet text version
pdf.png P2000C-SystemRefServiceManual.pdf P2000C - System Reference and Service Manual (5103 933 30422) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png P2000C-SystemRefServiceManual-AM1.pdf P2000C - System Reference and Service Manual Amendment 1 (5103 933 30421) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png P2000C-SystemRefServiceManual-AM3.pdf P2000C - System Reference and Service Manual Amendment 3 (5103 933 30423) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png P2000DiskBasic012.pdf P2000M/T - Disk Basic for the P2000T / P2000M (5103 993 10623 UK) Chapter 1 & 2 (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png P2000DiskBasic3ABC.pdf P2000M/T - Disk Basic for the P2000T / P2000M (5103 993 10623 UK) Chapter 3 and Appendix A, B, C (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png P2000MT_FSupp.pdf P2000M/T - Field Support Manual P2000 (M & T) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png p2000t_service_manual.pdf P2000T Service Manual (dutch) (From
pdf.png P2206BasicRunTimeSystemGH.pdf P2500 - P2206 BASIC RUN-TIME SYSTEM Gebruikershandbook (5122 994 11591) Dutch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2206BasicRunTimeSystemOM.pdf P2500 - P2206 BASIC RUN-TIME SYSTEM Operators Manual (5103 992 20622) (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2250-UpS-TKS-BH.pdf P2500 - P2250 UCSD p-SYSTEM TKS BEDIENINGSHANDBOEK (5122 994 11701) Dutch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2250-UpS-TKS-OM.pdf P2500 - P2250 UCSD p-SYSTEM TKS OPERATOR MANUAL (5103 992 25022) (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2500BH.pdf P2500 - Bedieningshandleiding (5122 994 11311) Dutch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P22219CPMManuals.pdf P2500 - CP/M Manuals (non-Digital Research part only) (5103 992 11921) (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2268_LogicCalcOperatingManual.pdf P2000 - P2268 LogicCalc Operating Manual (5103 992 26821) (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png NieuwsBriefNATLAB000-031.pdf Nieuwsbrief NAT.LAB (Dutch) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png NieuwsBriefNATLAB032-063.pdf Nieuwsbrief NAT.LAB (Dutch) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png NieuwsBriefNATLAB064-095.pdf Nieuwsbrief NAT.LAB (Dutch) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png NieuwsBriefNATLAB128-159.pdf Nieuwsbrief NAT.LAB (Dutch) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png NieuwsBriefNATLAB160-192.pdf Nieuwsbrief NAT.LAB (Dutch) (Thanks to Rik Bos)
pdf.png P2000ggNieuwsBrief1-7.pdf P2000gg (Gebruikers Groep) samenvatting nieuwsbrief 1 t/m 7, Dutch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
pdf.png P2000ggNieuwsBrief8-11.pdf P2000gg (Gebruikers Groep) samenvatting nieuwsbrief 8 t/m 11, Dutch (Thanks to Lino Lampers)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Sharp PC5000 portable computer

pdf.png CE103M_memory_module.pdf Sharp CE-103M Memory Module installation instructions
pdf.png CE510F_floppy_drive.pdf Sharp CE-501F Floppy Disk Unit manual
pdf.png CE510P_printer.pdf Sharp CE-501P Termal Printer installation instructions
pdf.png PC5000_instructions.pdf Sharp PC-5000 Quick Reference Card
pdf.png EasyPacKeys.pdf Key cards for EasyPac suite Thanks to Robert Sprokholt
pdf.png 7110.pdf Bubble Memory controller chip
pdf.png 7220-1bmc.pdf Bubble Memory Module
pdf.png 7230.pdf Bubble Memory support chip
pdf.png 7242.pdf Bubble Memory support chip
pdf.png 7250.pdf Bubble Memory support chip
pdf.png 7252.pdf Bubble Memory support chip
pdf.png BPK72.pdf Bubble Memory Prototype Kit
pdf.png PBK72UM.pdf Bubble Memory Prototype Kit User Manual
pdf.png 4MbitBubbleBoard_reduced.pdf Intel iPCB-75 PC-BUBBLETM CARD 4-MEGABIT BUBBLE MEMORY EVALUATION PACKAGE Thanks to Steven K. Knapp
pdf.png ap187_bubble_memory.pdf Intel Application note AP-187 MEGABITS TO MEGABYTES: Bubble Memory System Design and Board Layout Thanks to Steven K. Knapp
pdf.png MCH_S198406.pdf Memory Components Handbook Supplement June 1984 Article Reprints AR-306, 316, 328, 329, 334
folder icon

Pentasonic PROF80 (and µInflux HRC 80) related documentation

pdf.png Copyright_PROF_80.pdf Permission to use PentaSonic PROF 80 documentation non-commercial (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Prof-80_version_Française.pdf Manual PentaSonic PROF 80 board (TRS-80 clone, including Expansion Interface) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png PROF-80_CPM_2.2_[French]_(1983)(J_P_Rougeron).pdf CP/M 2.2 implementation PentaSonic PROF 80 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Datasheet_EF9366.pdf Thompson-Efcis datasheet for the EF9366 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Principes_EF9366.pdf Thompson-Efcis application note general application principles for the EF9366 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Using_64K_bits_avec_EF9366.pdf Thompson-Efcis application note 64kbit dynamic RAM for the EF9366 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Basic_routinesEF9366.pdf Thompson-Efcis application note BASIC routines for the EF9366 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Programme_Machine_Hifi_Color.pdf HiFiColor card machine code program description for the PROF80 and TRS-80 (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Gbasic_HIFICOLOR.pdf GBASIC description for the HiFiColor card (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Schema_Hifi_color.pdf Schema and parts list HiFiColor card (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png configuration_carte_et_mini_basic.pdf Configuration Mini BASIC couleur for HiFiColor card on the TRS-80 m1 (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Mode_d'emploi_DVC_CMD.pdf User manual COLR/CMD driver HiFiColor card (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Description_HIFI_COLOR.pdf Description and programming interface HiFiColor card (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
text.png HIFICOLO.hex Contents of the HifiColor graphics board PROM 27S19 or TBP18S030 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Carte_CPM.pdf Documentation CP/M adapter PROF-80 (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Carte_CPM_schema_beta.pdf Redrawn schema CP/M adapter PROF-80 (WARNING: beta version) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Carte_Influx_No_1.pdf Hardware and software documentation (GTEXTE & GBASIC) of the µInflux HRC 80 graphics board (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Schema_carte_uInflux_No_1.pdf Schema of the µInflux HRC 80 graphics board (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png HRC_80_µinflux_1_2.pdf Part 1 of schema of the µInflux HRC 80 graphics board redrawn (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png HRC_80_µinflux_2_2.pdf Part 2 of schema of the µInflux HRC 80 graphics board redrawn (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
text.png µINFLUXB.hex Contents of the µInflux HRC 80 graphics board PROM (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png TMS_3556_TEXAS.pdf Datasheet of the Texas Instruments TMS 3556 Video Display Processor (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Tms3556UsersManual.pdf Extensicve information on the TMS 3556 Video Display Processor (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
image2.png tms3556_1.jpg Article describing the TMS 3556 Video Display Processor (1st page) (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
image2.png tms3556_2.jpg Article describing the TMS 3556 Video Display Processor (2nd page) (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Adaptation_Card_M3.pdf Connecting the HRC 80 to the Model III (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png PCB_adapter_M1_Vers_M3.pdf Basic test program and board layout for the Model III adapter (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png RéglageHRC-80.pdf Monitor calibration description for the HRC 80 (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
pdf.png Modification_M1_60hz.pdf Description for modifying the Model I to 50Hz for proper operation with the HRC 80 (french) (Thanks to Pascal Holdry)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Epson PX-16 computer

generic.png om.html PX-16 Operation Instructions (Derived from a scanned/ocred Word file. Thanks to Vashurin Vladimir)
pdf.png BaseUnitOperatingInstructionsAndBYU.pdf 'PX16 BASE UNIT OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS' and 'PX-16 BEFORE YOU USE'
image2.png sg_cover.jpg System Guide cover (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg_toc.pdf System Guide table of contents (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg1.pdf System Guide chapter 1 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg2.pdf System Guide chapter 2 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg34.pdf System Guide chapter 3 part 2 and chapter 4 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg3a.pdf System Guide chapter 3 part 1 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg_app.pdf System Guide appendices (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png sg_idx.pdf System Guide index (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png diskUnit.pdf PX-16 OPTION DISK UNIT
pdf.png TF-16manual.pdf TF-16 option manual (English only) (Thanks to Thomas)
pdf.png EPSON_DerUnterschied.pdf Leaflet of the PX-16 and accessoires (German) (Thanks to Thomas)
pdf.png tf16.pdf PX-16 OPTION TF-16
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Epson PX-4 computer

image2.png brm_cover.jpg Basic Reference Manual (Y20599100601) cover
pdf.png PX4BRM.pdf Basic Reference Manual (Y20599100601)
image2.png om_cover.jpg Operating Manual cover (H8592005-1/Y205991005) (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX4_OM.pdf Operating Manual (H8592005-1/Y205991005) (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
image2.png osrm_cover.jpg Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) cover (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX4_OSRM_TOC_I.pdf Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) TOC & part 1 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX4_OSRM_II.pdf Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) part 2 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX4_OSRM_III.pdf Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) part 3 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX4_OSRM_VI_IDX.pdf Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) part 4 & Index (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png Epson_PX-4TechnicalManual_1984.pdf PX-4 Portable Computer Technical Manual, Aug. 13, 84 (from
pdf.png PX-4PROMWriterCartridgeOperatingManual.pdf PX-4 PROM Writer Cartridge Operating Manual (Y20699101300) (Thanks to Mathias Ohlerich)
text.png ModemSampleProgram.prn.txt Operating System Reference Manual (Y20699101600) sample code
pdf.png px4_ram_unit.pdf Installation manual for the RAM Disk unit (Thanks to Jerome Vernet)
image2.png duom_cover.jpg Disk Utilities Operating Manual (H8592003-0 / Y322990003) cover
pdf.png duom1.pdf Disk Utilities Operating Manual (H8592003-0 / Y322990003) part 1
pdf.png duom2.pdf Disk Utilities Operating Manual (H8592003-0 / Y322990003) part 2
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PDF documentation for the Epson PX-8 computer

pdf.png px8-BASIC.pdf Basic Quick Reference Guide
pdf.png brm0toc.pdf Basic Reference Manual table of contents
pdf.png brm1-3.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 1-3
pdf.png brm4a.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 4 part 1
pdf.png brm4b.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 4 part 2
pdf.png brm5-6.pdf Basic Reference Manual chapter 5-6
pdf.png brmA-H.pdf Basic Reference Manual Appendix A-H
pdf.png brmIdx.pdf Basic Reference Manual index
COMMENT= User & Technical Manual
image2.png um_cover.jpg User Manual cover
generic.png um.html HTML User manual (incomplete)
pdf.png PX8_UM.pdf User Manual H8394044-1, Y203990001
pdf.png PX8_OSRM.pdf PX-8 Operating System Reference Manual 85.05-.5 (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch1.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual TOC & chapter 1 - General Description (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch2.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 2 - Principles of Operations (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch3.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 3 - Options (Principles of Operations) (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch4.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 4 - Disassembly/Assembly and Adjustment (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch5.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 5 - Troubleshooting (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch6.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 6 - Maintenance (600dpi version)
pdf.png PX8_TM_Ch7.pdf PX-8 Technical Manual chapter 7 - Appendix including schematic diagrams (600dpi version)
COMMENT= 3rd party software
pdf.png ct.pdf Portable Calc Training Guide
pdf.png cr.pdf Portable Calc Reference Manual (summary pages only)
pdf.png PX8manWSeng.pdf Portable Wordstar Reference Manual H8492010-2 (Thanks to Roger Ogé)
pdf.png PX8manCSeng.pdf Portable Calc / Portable Scheduler H8492014-1 (Thanks to Roger Ogé)
pdf.png PX8manWSfr.pdf Portable Wordstar Manuel de Référence H8492063-0 (French-Français) (Thanks to Roger Ogé)
pdf.png PX8manCSfr.pdf Portable Calc / Portable Scheduler H8492066-0 (French-Français) (Thanks to Roger Ogé)
pdf.png wordstar_portable_rep_sw.pdf Portable Wordstar Manual (German)
pdf.png CardBoxPlus.pdf Business Simulations Portable Cardbox - Plus (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png dak_communication_users_manual.pdf The DAK Communications ROM Manual (From
image2.png dBaseII_UserManual_00_cover.jpg dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual cover (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_00_toc.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual toc (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_01_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 1: create database, enter data (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_02_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 2: expressions to modify commands (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_03_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 3: command files (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_04_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 4: more functions and commands (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_05_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 5: summaries (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_UserManual_06_section.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 1 User Manual section 6: a working accounting system (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
image2.png dBaseII_ReferenceManual_00_cover.jpg dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 2 Reference Manual cover (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_ReferenceManual_ch1_8.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 2 Reference Manual chapter 1 to 8 (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_ReferenceManual_ch9_AtoE.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 2 Reference Manual chapter 9 A to E (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_ReferenceManual_ch9_FtoR.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 2 Reference Manual chapter 9 F to R (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
pdf.png dBaseII_ReferenceManual_ch9_StoNotes.pdf dBASE II Assembly-Language Relational Database Management System VOL. 2 Reference Manual chapter 9 S to Notes (Thanks to Gerben Ritsema)
text.png forth.doc.txt CP/M FIGFORTH adapted for CP/M 2.X
text.png atod_doc.txt Performing PX-8 Analog-to-digital Conversions on the PX-8
COMMENT= Other devices
pdf.png PF-10Manual.pdf Operating Manual PF-10 Portable Floppy drive unit
pdf.png f10pa.pdf Schematic of the PF-10 made by Tony Duell (Thanks to Tony Duell for creating and Dave Colver for scanning)
pdf.png ud80_ec198603.pdf Review of the Oval UD-80 Video Display Controller from EpsonConnect March 1986
COMMENT= Marketing material
pdf.png Manudax_PX8_prijslijst-198501.pdf Manudax prijslijst PX-8 januari 1985 (Dutch, in 1985 guilders) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Epson QX-10 computer

image2.png cs_cover.jpg Command Summary cover
pdf.png cs.pdf Command Summary
pdf.png mf_pg1a.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 1 part 1 (CP/M BIOS)
pdf.png mf_pg1b.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 1 part 2 (CP/M BIOS)
pdf.png mf_pg1c.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 1 part 3 (CP/M BIOS)
pdf.png mf_pg2_0-toc.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 table of contents
pdf.png mf_pg2_1a.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 chapter 1a
pdf.png mf_pg2_1b.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 chapter 1b
pdf.png mf_pg2_1c.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 chapter 1c
pdf.png mf_pg2_23.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 chapter 2-3
pdf.png mf_pg2_4.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 chapter 4
pdf.png mf_pg2_App.pdf MultiFonts Programmers Guide 2 appendices
pdf.png pg2v_ch0.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Table of Contents
text.png pg2v_ch0.txt Programmers Guide to Valdocs Table of Contents as text
pdf.png pg2v_ch1.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 1
text.png pg2v_ch1.txt Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 1 as text
pdf.png pg2v_ch2.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 2
text.png pg2v_ch2.txt Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 2 as text
pdf.png pg2v_ch3.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 3
pdf.png pg2v_ch4.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 4
pdf.png pg2v_ch5.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 5
pdf.png pg2v_ch6.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 6
pdf.png pg2v_ch7.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 7
pdf.png pg2v_ch8.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 8
pdf.png pg2v_ch9.pdf Programmers Guide to Valdocs Chapter 9
pdf.png qx10__u1.pdf Operating Manual Epson US site
pdf.png om_00_04.pdf Operation Manual for CP/M and MF_BASIC. TOC, Chapter 1 to 4 version 83 02-0 2
pdf.png om_05.pdf Operation Manual for CP/M and MF_BASIC. Chapter 5 version 83 02-0 2
pdf.png om6-7.pdf Operation Manual for CP/M and MF_BASIC. Chapter 6 and 7 version 83 02-0 2
pdf.png omApp.pdf Operation Manual for CP/M and MF_BASIC. Appendices version 83 02-0 2
pdf.png QX-10_Operation_Manual.pdf Operation Manual for CP/M and MF_BASIC version 84.03-02 Thanks to Mathias Ohlerich
image2.png tm1_cover.jpg Technical Manual 1 cover
pdf.png tm1_1-3.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 1-3
pdf.png tm1_4a.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 4a
pdf.png tm1_4b.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 4b
pdf.png tm1_4c.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 4c
pdf.png tm1_5.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 5
pdf.png tm1_6-7.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 6-7
pdf.png tm1_8-9.pdf Technical Manual 1 chapter 8-9
pdf.png tm1_A1.pdf Technical Manual 1 Appendix 1
pdf.png tm1_A2.pdf Technical Manual 1 Appendix 2
pdf.png tm1_A3.pdf Technical Manual 1 Appendix 3
pdf.png TM_00-05.pdf Technical Manual 1 Chapter 1 to 5 (600dpi)
pdf.png TM_06-10.pdf Technical Manual 1 Chapter 6 to 9 + Appendix (600dpi)
pdf.png tm2_1.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 1
pdf.png tm2_2.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 2
pdf.png tm2_3.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 3
pdf.png tm2_4.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 4
pdf.png tm2_5a.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 5a
pdf.png tm2_5b.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 5b
pdf.png tm2_5c.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 5c
pdf.png tm2_5d.pdf Technical Manual 2 chapter 5d
pdf.png mfbas_rm_0.pdf MFBasic Reference manual table of contents
pdf.png mfbas_rm_1.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 1
pdf.png mfbas_rm_2.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 2
pdf.png mfbas_rm_3a.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 3 page 1-35
pdf.png mfbas_rm_3b.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 3 page 36-70
pdf.png mfbas_rm_3c.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 3 page 71-105
pdf.png mfbas_rm_3d.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 3 part 106-140
pdf.png mfbas_rm_4a.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 4 part 1-30
pdf.png mfbas_rm_4b.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 4 part 3-62
pdf.png mfbas_rm_5.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 5
pdf.png mfbas_rm_6.pdf MFBasic Reference manual chapter 6
pdf.png mfbas_rm_App.pdf MFBasic Reference manual Appendix A-K
pdf.png mterm_017_ch1-2.pdf Using MTERM with the Epson QX-10 - January 1984 - QD-0017 - Chapter 1 & 2
pdf.png mterm_017_ch3-4.pdf Using MTERM with the Epson QX-10 - January 1984 - QD-0017 - Chapter 3 & 4
pdf.png mterm_017_app.pdf Using MTERM with the Epson QX-10 - January 1984 - QD-0017 - Appendix A, B, Glossary
pdf.png using009_toc.pdf Using CP/M-80 With the QX-10 - PRELIMINARY - QD009 - Front page and TOC
pdf.png using009_ch123.pdf Using CP/M-80 With the QX-10 - PRELIMINARY - QD009 - Chapters 1, 2, 3
pdf.png using009_app.pdf Using CP/M-80 With the QX-10 - PRELIMINARY - QD009 - Appendix A - G
pdf.png using016_ch1-4.pdf Using CP/M-80 with the EPSON QX-10 - February 1984 - QD-0016 - Chapters 1 to 4
pdf.png using016_ch5-10.pdf Using CP/M-80 with the EPSON QX-10 - February 1984 - QD-0016 - Chapters 5 to 10
pdf.png using016_app.pdf Using CP/M-80 with the EPSON QX-10 - February 1984 - QD-0016 - Appendix A to I
pdf.png Valdraw_1_toc.pdf ValDraw manual table of contents
pdf.png Valdraw_2_main.pdf ValDraw manual main pages
pdf.png Valdraw_3_app.pdf ValDraw manual appendices
pdf.png Valpaint_1_toc.pdf ValPaint manual table of contents
pdf.png Valpaint_2_main.pdf ValPaint manual main pages
pdf.png Valpaint_3_app.pdf ValPaint manual appendices
pdf.png Valpaint_4_color.pdf ValPaint manual color pages
image2.png ValdocsUserGuide.jpg Valdocs 1 users guide - 1983 - QD-002 - front cover
pdf.png ValdocsUserGuide_012.pdf Valdocs 1 users guide - 1983 - QD-002 - TOC, Chapter 1 and 2
pdf.png ValdocsUserGuide_34.pdf Valdocs 1 users guide - 1983 - QD-002 - Chapter 3 and 4
pdf.png ValdocsUserGuide_5.pdf Valdocs 1 users guide - 1983 - QD-002 - Chapter 5
pdf.png ValdocsUserGuide_67i.pdf Valdocs 1 users guide - 1983 - QD-002 - Chapter 6, 7 and Index
pdf.png Valdocs118UG_changes.pdf Valdocs Release 1.18 - Changes to User's Guide - 1983 - QD-0013
pdf.png Valdocs119UG_inserts.pdf Valdocs 1.19 User Guide insert pages - 1984 - QD-0019
pdf.png ValdocsKeybRefGuide_003.pdf Valdocs Keyboard Reference Guide - 1982 - QD-003
pdf.png TVEM_ch0.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual table of contents
pdf.png TVEM_ch1.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 1
pdf.png TVEM_ch2.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 2
pdf.png TVEM_ch3.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 3
pdf.png TVEM_ch4.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 4
pdf.png TVEM_ch5a.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 5a
pdf.png TVEM_ch5b.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual chapter 5b
pdf.png TVEM_chA-F.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual appendix A - F
pdf.png TVEM_chG-K.pdf The Valdocs Environment Manual appendix G - K
pdf.png QX10-option.pdf Specifications of Option Slot Signals (452k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-multifont.pdf Multifont ROM Card (107k) ( from
pdf.png QX-mf-schm.pdf Multifont ROM Card schematic (1MB) ( from
pdf.png rs232.pdf RS-232C Interface Card user manual (214k) ( from
pdf.png QX-rs232c-schm.pdf RS-232C Interface Card schematic (883k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-rs232c.pdf RS-232C Interface Card technical manual (213k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-ieee488.pdf IEEE-488 Interface Card (232k) ( from
pdf.png QX-ieee488-schm.pdf IEEE-488 Interface Card schematic (634k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-adda.pdf A/D-D/A Converter Interface (273k) ( from
pdf.png QX-adda-schm.pdf A/D-D/A Converter Interface schematic (816k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-optic.pdf Optical Fiber Interface Card (42k) ( from
pdf.png QX-optic-schm.pdf Optical Fiber Interface Card schematic (697k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-cms.pdf Color Monitor Subboard (526k) ( from
pdf.png QX-10-pen.pdf Light Pen (163k) ( from
pdf.png stardestroyer_man.pdf Star Destroyer game instructions sheet
pdf.png mathprof_man.pdf Math Professor instructions sheet
image2.png mathprof_front.jpg Math Professor front cover
image2.png mathprof_back.jpg Math Professor back cover
pdf.png logoprof.pdf LOGO Professor manual
image2.png logoprof_front.jpg LOGO Professor manual front
pdf.png eltk_man.pdf Early Learner's Toolkit manual
pdf.png QX16-tech-ch1.pdf QX-16 Technical manual chapter 1 Component overview
pdf.png QX16-tech-ch2.pdf QX-16 Technical manual chapter 2 Circuit Description
pdf.png QX16-tech-ch3.pdf QX-16 Technical manual chapter 3 Modular Troubleshooting
pdf.png QX16-tech-ch4.pdf QX-16 Technical manual chapter 4 Disassembly and Assembly
pdf.png QX16HD.pdf QX-16 Hard Disk technical manual addendum
pdf.png EpsonWorld1_4_86Art.pdf Epson World May 1986 article on Valdocs past, present and future
pdf.png EpsonWorld1_fall84.pdf Epson World Fall 1984 articles on Valdocs and Rising Star
pdf.png EpsonWorld_198602selection.pdf Epson World August 1986 QX-10/16 articles & adverts
pdf.png PersonalComputing_198502_QX16.pdf Personal Computing February 1985 QX-16 review.pdf
text.png PersonalComputing_198502_QX16_coverArticle.txt Personal Computing 1985-02 QX16 (cover article)
text.png PersonalComputing_198502_QX16_earlyLookValdocs20.txt Personal Computing 1985 02 QX16 early look valdocs 2.0
pdf.png 198209ByteQX10_Rev.pdf Byte September 1982 QX-10 review
pdf.png 198210ByteHASCI_1.pdf Byte October 1982 Chris Rutkowski article "An Introduction to the Human Applications Computer Interface" part 1 ( from
pdf.png 198211ByteHASCI_2.pdf Byte November 1982 Chris Rutkowski article "An Introduction to the Human Applications Computer Interface" part 2 ( from
pdf.png 72020-6a.pdf NEC µPD72020 Application Note Chapter 6 part1 Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
pdf.png 72020-6b.pdf NEC µPD72020 Application Note Chapter 6 part2 Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
pdf.png nec7220.pdf NEC uPD7220 Graphics Display Controller data sheet
pdf.png Mc7220.pdf MC Magazine 11/1986 "Grafik mit dem 7220 von NEC". Graphics with the 7220 from NEC.Thanks to Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
text.png Mc7220_summary.txt Translation of the MC Magazine 11/1986 "Grafik mit dem 7220 von NEC" article
pdf.png 72020_DataSheet.pdf With some sponsering from the datasheet for the NEC µPD72020
pdf.png tpm_00-03.pdf TPM - II User's Guide (chapter 1 - 3)
pdf.png tpm_04-06.pdf TPM - II User's Guide (chapter 4 - 6)
pdf.png tpm_07-09.pdf TPM - II Programmer's Reference Manual (chapter 7 - 9)
pdf.png tpm_10.pdf TPM - II Programmer's Reference Manual (chapter 10)
pdf.png tpm_11-App.pdf TPM - II Programmer's Reference Manual (chapter 11 & Appendices)
compressed.png Commented disassembly of the Zapple Basic by Roger Amidon and Neil Colvin, May 1977 Thanks to Holger Veit
pdf.png Manudax_QX-10_Folder.pdf Manudax QX-10 folder (Dutch) (Thanks to Raymond Bakker)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Epson TF-20 Floppy Disk drive

pdf.png F200A.pdf Original schema's
pdf.png TD_F200A.pdf Redrawn schema's with extra information made by Tony Duell (Thanks to Tony Duell for creating and Dave Colver for scanning)
pdf.png tf-20_manual.pdf User Manual
pdf.png TechSuppManSec5.pdf Epson Technical Support Manual Section 5: Peripherial, plotter, printer and software information (only toc and selected pages) (Thanks to Paul Stuijt)
pdf.png epson_TF20_technical_manual.pdf TF-20 Technical Manual (From
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PDF documentation for the TMS7000 microcontroller family

COMMENT= Leaflets
pdf.png MPL_54_tms7k_1983.pdf Leaflet TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTERS - MPL 54 - Copyright 1983 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png CMF134_tms7k_1988.pdf Leaflet TEXAS INSTRUMENTS CMOS EPROM 8-BIT MCUs - GBNPb297SC1588/ CMF134 - Copyright 1988 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
COMMENT= Datasheets
pdf.png tms7742.pdf Datasheet TMS7742 8-BIT EPROM MICROCONTROLLER - EPP NOVEMBER 1985 - GBNDs681S/C418ET-A / CMF90 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms7742jdl.pdf Datasheet TMS7742JDL.EPP001 8-BIT EPROM MICROCONTROLLER - EPP DECEMBER 1985 - GBNDs681S / C418ET-A (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms77C82AN.pdf Application Note TMS77C82 - GBNDs286SC0988 / CMF123 - Copyright 1988 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms77C82.pdf Datasheet TMS77C82 8-BIT EPROM MICROCONTROLLER - FEBRUARY 1988 - GBNDs283SC0888 / CMF122 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png RTC-EMV7000C.pdf Schematic of the TMS7000C Evaluation Module (from User's guide) (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
COMMENT= Reference
pdf.png 7ktppr.pdf TMS7000 Programmer's Pocket Reference 8-Bit Microcomputer Family - SPNF002A - February 1984 Revision A 1603476-9701 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
COMMENT= Manuals
pdf.png tms7kalpg.pdf TMS7000 Assembly Language Programmer's Guide - SPNU002B - Copyright 1983 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png XDS_22InstallationAndOperationGuide.pdf XDS/22 Installation and Operation Guide - SPDU017 / 1603443-9701 - October 1983 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png XDS_TMS7000EmulatorHardware.pdf XDS TMS7000 Emulator Hardware - SPDU020 / 1603838-9701 - March 1984 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png XDSBreakpointTraceInstallationAndOperationGuide.pdf XDS Breakpoint/Trace Installation and Operation Guide - SPDU019 / 1603442-9701 - October 1983 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms77C01_PIT_UsersManual.pdf TMS77C01 (PIT) USER'S MANUAL - August 20 1984 REVISION A (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms7000EvaluationModuleGuide.pdf TMS7000 Evaluation Module User's Guide - SPNU007 - May 1986 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png tms77c82EpromErratum.pdf Extra info on TMS77C82 EPROM ON-CHIP Microcontroller (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png MP004_TMS9902AsyncCommContrDataMan_July1978.pdf TMS 9902 ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER DATA MANUAL - MP004 - July 1978 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png MP001_TMS9900MicroDataMan_August1978.pdf TMS 9900 Microprocessor Data Manual - MP001 - August 1978 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
pdf.png SPND001C_TI_TMS7000_Family_Data_Manual_1989_BM.pdf TMS7000 Family Data Manual 1989 - SPND001C with added bookmarks (adapted from version)
pdf.png 1983_SPND001A_TI_TMS7000_Family_Data_Manual_BM.pdf TMS7000 Family Data Manual 1983 - SPND001A with added bookmarks (adapted from version)
COMMENT= Software
pdf.png t7kasslink.pdf TMS7000 Assembler/linker package - 1604977-9701 A & 1604928-9102 A & 1604028-9601 A & 1604028-9301 A & 1604028-9401 (thanks to Jaak Bartok,
folder icon

PDF version of the Turbo Pascal reference manual 3.0

pdf.png tp3_01.pdf chapter 1
pdf.png tp3_02-13.pdf chapter 2-13
pdf.png tp3_14-16.pdf chapter 14-16
pdf.png tp3_17-20.pdf chapter 17-20
pdf.png tp3_21-24.pdf chapter 21-24
pdf.png tp3_app.pdf appendices
image2.png tp3_cover-back.jpg back cover
image2.png tp3_cover-front.jpg front cover
pdf.png tp3_idx.pdf index
pdf.png tp3_toc.pdf table of contents
folder icon

TRS-80 model 1 related documentation

pdf.png NewDos86_90.pdf Scanned NewDOS86/90 manual for NEWDOS80 users
pdf.png ND86_90_Manual_2009rev.pdf NewDos86/90 manual, OCRed and proofread version by William Allen
text.png ND86_90_CHAP1_OVERVIEW.txt NewDOS86 Chapter 1, page one. Changes to NewDOS80/v2
text.png ND86_90_FOREWORD.txt NewDOS90 Foreword
text.png ND86_90_INDEX.txt NewDOS86/90 manual index
text.png ND86_90_UPDATE.txt NewDos90 update to NewDOS86
pdf.png westHWBook.pdf Afdeling West Model I hardware book A4 version
pdf.png west_hw_book_a5.pdf Afdeling West Model I hardware book A5 version
pdf.png TRS-80_Hacker's_Handbook_for_Newdos80.pdf The 1984 book by Kevin O'Hare on all things NEWDOS/80 2.0 & 2.5 (Thanks to John Benson)
text.png TRS-80_Hacker's_Handbook_for_Newdos80.txt Conversion to text (incomplete, unchecked)
pdf.png Das_DOS-Buch_(Grosser)_(full_bw).pdf "Das DOS Buch" NEWDOS, GDOS, Colour-DOS für TRS-80 Model I & III, Genie I, II, III, IIs & IIIs Colour-Genie von Hartmut Grosser (German)
compressed.png TRSDOS 2.3 Decoded and Other Mysteries [a] (1982)(IJG Inc.)(djvu).zip This version (DJVU format) contains both scanned and text information.
pdf.png UtrechtBus.pdf Some info of the Utrecht Bus
pdf.png Canon_MDD211_221.pdf Specifications Canon MDD221/211 Mini Floppy Disk Drive
pdf.png MPI_B51_B52.pdf Schematic MPI B51/B52 Floppy Disk Drive
pdf.png Teac_FD50.pdf Schematic Teac FD50 Floppy Disk Drive
pdf.png PercomDoubler.pdf Two reverse engineered schemas of the Percom Doubler
pdf.png wd1691.pdf Western Digital floppy support logic
pdf.png wd2143.pdf Western Digital four phase clock generator
pdf.png 80-GRAFIX.pdf Programma 80-GRAFIX User's Reference Manual S80.002
text.png Trscmdff.txt TRS-80 CMD File Format (Edited by Emmanuel ROCHE.)
pdf.png Model_I_HD_Adapter.pdf The interface between the Model I expansion interface and the harddisk controller. (From the TRS-80 Archives
pdf.png accel3.pdf Accel3 compiler for TRS-80 Basic by Southern Software
pdf.png rsm.pdf RSM System Monitors for Model 1 Level I and II by Small System Software
pdf.png enhbas.pdf Enhbas basic compiler version 2.x for Model I and III by The Cornsoft Group
pdf.png pascal53.pdf Pascal System Manual Version 5.3 for the Model I and III by Molimerx
pdf.png jumbo.pdf Flight Simulator for the Model I and III by Molimerx
COMMENT= Model 1 modifications
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-1_TFT-monitor_2018-04-06.html.pdf Remarks article describing a modififying the Model 1 to a proper PAL signal for a TFT monitor (Thanks to
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-1_PAL_Monitor_American_HDRV_15608Hz_Add_74LS90.pdf Appendix for the Remarks article with modifying instructions to proper PAL video for the American Model 1 (Thanks to
pdf.png TRS-80_Model-1_PAL_Monitor_Japanese_HDRV_15608Hz_Add_74LS90.pdf Appendix for the Remarks article with modifying instructions to proper PAL for the Japanese Model 1 (Thanks to
COMMENT= Aster CT-80 information
pdf.png aster_folder.pdf Aster flyer for schools
pdf.png earlyAsterFDC.pdf Schema and layout of an MCP disk controller board. With small changes it is compatible with the TRS-80 Expansion Interface FDC part.
pdf.png AsterAlgemeen.pdf Generic info in the Aster company and computer (Dutch) (Thanks to Maarten Kuijvenhoven)
pdf.png VoorlopigeManualAsterCT-80.pdf Manual of the Aster CT-80 computer, with annotations (Dutch) (Thanks to Maarten Kuijvenhoven)
pdf.png AsterCT-80_VoorlopigManual_HCM.pdf Manual of the Aster CT-80 computer, with annotations (Dutch) (Thanks to Home Computer Museum)
pdf.png AsterCT-80_AanvullendeHandleidingNIAM.pdf Supplemental manual for the Aster CT-80 in the school environment by NIAM (Dutch) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png AsterCT-80_HandleidingBasicDiskBasic.pdf Basic and Disk-Basic manual for the Aster CT-80 (Dutch) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png AsterCT-80_NIAM_micro-infoA85-1.pdf Additional info leaflet for the Aster CT-80 in the school environment by NIAM (Dutch) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
pdf.png AsterCT-80_ServiceHandleiding.pdf Technical information and (prelininary) schema's for the Aster CT-80 (Dutch) (Thanks to Ruud Baltissen)
compressed.png ROM set for the Aster CT-80. 8k & 4k are Microsoft BASIC, 2k is boot ROM. New version as of 2022-12-08. Works with SDLTRS.
compressed.png Character ROM, both TRS-80 and CP/M mode.
compressed.png BIOS/BDOS SOURCE CODE FOR ASTER CT-80 (From:
compressed.png Files from 'DSQD - ASTER CT-80 SYSTEM AND SOURCE FILES' disk image (From:
compressed.png Incomplete redrawn schema of the FDC card (KiCAD files)
pdf.png CT-80_FDC.kicad_sch.0.4.pdf Redrawn schema of the FDC card
pdf.png FDC_IC_Layout.pdf Board layout original CT-80 FDC
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Tandy TRS-80 model 4(p)

pdf.png Model_4P_Service_Manual_1984_Tandy.pdf (from the trs-80 archives. For Model 4P, 4P Gate Array. Cat.No. 26-1080)
pdf.png Model_4_Quick_Reference_Guide_1984_Tandy.pdf (from the trs-80 archives. For Model 4. Cat. No. 26-2110)
pdf.png Model_4_Technical_Reference_Manual_1985_Tandy.pdf (from the trs-80 archives. For Model 4/4P. Cat. No. 26-2119)
pdf.png Model_3-4-4P_Diagnostics_Manual_(1983)(Tandy)(pdf).pdf (from the trs-80 archives)
folder icon

PDF documentation for the Tandy TRS-80 Model 2000

pdf.png T2k_TRM01.pdf Tandy TRS-80 Technical Reference Cat. No. 26-5404 part1 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
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PDF documentation for the Tandy TRS-80 model II

pdf.png Model_2_Operation_Manual_(19xx)(Tandy).pdf Model II Operational manual; controls, booting (Originally from archive)
pdf.png ADDENDUM_M16.pdf Addendum to: M16 Operator' Read Me First Manual, The Model 16 Disk Operating System Owner's Manual and Model II Owner's Manual Supplement (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png TRS-80_8MB_Hard_Disk_Owners_Manual.pdf 8 MEG Hard Disk Owner's Manual (from
pdf.png MODEL_II_OWNERS_MANUAL_SUPPLEMENT.pdf Supplement to the Model II Owner's Manual for the Model 16 or Enhanced Model II (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png Model_12_Owners_Manual_(1982)(Tandy).pdf Model 12 Owners manual; controls, booting (Originally from archive)
pdf.png Model_16_Operators_Manual_(1982)(Tandy).pdf Model 16 Operators manual; controls, booting (Originally from archive)
pdf.png Model_16B_Built_In_Hard_Disk_(1983)(Tandy).pdf Model 16B System Manual; controls, booting (Originally from archive)
pdf.png Tandy6000Introduction.pdf Tandy 6000 Introduction ( from
pdf.png TandyModel2DiskOperatingSystemReferenceManual.pdf TRS-80 Model II Disk Operating System Reference Manual (TRSDOS 2.0) ( from II)
pdf.png TRSDOS-II_RefMan_1-2.pdf TRSDOS-II Reference manual for the Model II, 12 and 16 - Toc, Chapter 1 & 2 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png TRSDOS-II_RefMan_3-4.pdf TRSDOS-II Reference manual for the Model II, 12 and 16 - Chapter 3, Appendices, Index (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png TRSDOStoTRSDOS-II.pdf TRSDOS to TRSDOS-II CONVERSION document (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png 5-Meg_Hard_Disk_Service_Manual_1982_Tandy.pdf Somewhat similar to the Eight Meg Disk System service manual
pdf.png 8-Meg_Hard_Disk_Drive_Service_Manual.pdf 8 MEG Hard Disk Service Manual (from
pdf.png 8-Meg_Hard_Disk_Drive_Service_Manual_mono.pdf 8 MEG Hard Disk Service Manual (reduced size by making it black and white)
pdf.png Model_2_Computer_Graphics_26-4104.pdf Model II Graphics Card Manual (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png Model_2_Computer_Graphics_26-4104_(A).pdf Model II Graphics Card Manual (includes searchable / copyable text) (Thanks to Neil Morrison)
pdf.png Model_II_Technical_Reference_Manual_(1980)(Radio_Shack).pdf Model II Technical data, diagrams, troubleshooting (Originally from archive). The keyboard schematics are corrected in Technical Bulletin II:40.
pdf.png 26-6021_2_Tandy_6000_Service_Manual_1985.pdf Service Manual Tandy 6000 (from
pdf.png MODII_16_TRM_FDC_REV.pdf Technical Reference Manual TRS-80 Model II Catalog Number 26-4921 Revised Floppy Disk Controller SUPPLEMENT (from
pdf.png MODII_16_CRT.pdf Servive Manual - VP41 - Motorola CRT Display Monitors; MD3570-MD3574 Series, MD3970-MD3974 Series (from
pdf.png model_II_16_schematics.pdf Schematics for model II and 16 boards (
pdf.png Model_12_and_16B_Technical_Bulletins.pdf Model 12 and 16B Technical Bulletins (from
pdf.png Model_16_Technical_Bulletins.pdf Model 16 Technical Bulletins (from
pdf.png Model_6000_Technical_Bulletins.pdf Model 6000 Technical Bulletins (from
pdf.png Model_II_Technical_Bulletins.pdf Model II Technical Bulletins (from
pdf.png notejump.pdf Tandy Technical Information Series - Notes and Jumpers (01-0220 Computer Technical Services) Info for virtually all Tandy computers (from
pdf.png Tandy_Hard_Drive_Technical_Bulletins.pdf Tandy Hard Drive Technical Bulletins (from
pdf.png Shugart_Model_SA1000_Series_Service_Manual.pdf Shugart 8" hard disk Model SA1000 Series Service Manual (from
pdf.png MPI9404B.pdf Magnetic Peripherials Inc (CDC) Flexible Disk Drive Model 9404-B service manual (floppy drives in Disk System) (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png TandyXENIXAdministratorsGuide.pdf Tandy Xenix Administrators Guide for the Model 16. Includes installation instructions. (from 6000/index.html)
pdf.png XSSD_123456.pdf TRS-XENIX System Software Development; TOC, chapter 1 to 6 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png XSSD_78910.pdf TRS-XENIX System Software Development; TOC, chapter 7 to 10 (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png XSSD_appendixABC.pdf TRS-XENIX System Software Development; TOC, appendix A, B, C (Thanks to Kees Stravers)
pdf.png M16PriceList198301.pdf TRS-80 Price List January 1983 TRS-80 Model 16 Microcomputer (prices in UK pounds)
pdf.png 80M_June1981_M2QnA.pdf 80 microcomputing June 1981, article "Model II Q and A"
pdf.png 80M_Feb1982_BasicCompiler.pdf 80 microcomputing Februari 1982, article "Model II Basic Compiler"
pdf.png 80M_Feb1982_Scripsit.pdf 80 microcomputing Februari 1982, article "Model II Scripsit"
pdf.png 80M_March1982_RSvsIBM.pdf 80 microcomputing March 1982. article "Radio Shack vs. IBM" comparing the Model II with the IBM PC 5150
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PDF documentation for the Sinclair ZX80 computer

pdf.png zx80_om.pdf Operating manual
pdf.png zx80ram.pdf Instructions with the 1-3K RAM expansion
pdf.png zx80circuit_A3.pdf Schematic (borrowed from ??)

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