APPENDIX A HANDLING UNUSUAL CONDITIONS This section helps you identify and correct minor problems that might occur when you use the system. These problems usually result from loose connections or user oversights that you will learn to avoid with experience. Condition You type two @ signs but the system doesn’t identify itself or request the date. Procedure Check lamp 2 on the chassis. If it’s on, the chassis is waiting for another @ sign or two. Ensure that a demonstration or system diskette is in drive unit 0 and that the drive unit’s door is closed properly Check that the power switches for the terminal and chassis are in the up position. Check that the ON LINE light is on. This light is part of the horizontal array of lights lo- cated at the top of the terminal’s keyboard (near the SET—UP key). If the LOCAL light glows instead, press the SET—UP key, then the "4" key below the lights, and then the SET-UP key once again. The 53 APPENDIX A Condition Procedure ON LINE light must always be on for you to communicate with the system. Check that the power cords are plugged into the proper out- lets, that the cable connecting the terminal and the chassis is secure at both ends, and that the chassis’ POWER lamp is lit. Condition You get one of the following error messages when you type two @ signs to start the system: BOOT—F-I/O error MON—F-System read failure halt Procedure Check that a demonstration or system diskette is in drive unit O and that the door is properly closed. Try again. Condition You are using MiniMINC and an @ character with trailing digits appears on the termmal Screen Procedure Hold down the SHIFT key and press the "P" key. If MiniMINC doesn’t respond, turn off the chassis and restart the system according to the directions in Chapter 2, Pow- ering the System. Data not stored on diskette are lost. Condition You type characters on the keyboard but they . don’t appear on the terminal screen. Procedure Press the NO SCROLL key and try typing some more characters. Continue working if the characters appear on the screen. If characters don’t appear, press the NO SCROLL key to reenable scrolling and then check that the keyboard is plugged securely into the terminal. 54 APPENDIX A Condition Procedure lf characters don’t appear, hold down the CTRL key and press the "Q" key If characters don’t appear, press the SE T-UP key, then the RESET(O) key. If MiniMINC still doesn’t re- spond, turn off the chassis and restart the system according to Chapter 2, Powering the System. Follow the earlier recovery procedures in this appendix if the trouble persists. Condition The words "SET UP" appear in the upper left corner of the terminal screen. Procedure Press the SET-UP key The screen should return to nor- mal. If the trouble persists, turn the terminal off and then on again. . If this d0esn’t help, turn off the chassis and then restart the system following the instruc- tions in Chapter 2, Powering the System. If you experience any further difficulty, consult Chapter 2 in the MlnlMINC Supplement, Changing Operating Modes on the MiniMINC Terminal. If any problem persists after you’ve tried these recovery proce- dures, refer to the Troubleshooting section of Chapter 2 in the MlnlMIN C Supplement. 55 APPENDIX B ERROR MESSAGE COMPENDIUM This appendix lists the error messages produced by MiniMINC. The Messages section of Book 3: MIN C Programming Reference contains additional information on error messages. HOW TO USE THE ERROR MESSAGE COMPENDIUM When an error message appears on the MiniMINC terminal screen, you can either correct the problem immediately (some MiniMINC error messages explain what caused the error and tell you what to do about it) or you can look up the message in this compendium. Error messages are represented in this compendium almost ex- actly as they appear on the screen. The form of an error message is: ?ENVIRONMENT—S-Text where: ? precedes all error messages (the error message compendium dis- regards this symbol because it is common to all MiniMINC error - messages). ENVIRONMENT identifies the part of the MiniMINC programming system (environ- ment) that produced the error. The environments are BOOT, DIR, 57 APPENDIX B EDITOR, FORMAT, HELP, KMON, MINC, MON, and UTILITY. S indicates the error’s severity; F for fatal, W for warning, or I for information. A fatal error message means that _ MiniMINC halted execution of your command, statement, or program. A warning error message means that MiniMINC didn’t halt execu- g tion of your command, statement, or program. However, you should correct the problem and then try again. An informational error message gives information about the en- vironment without halting the program. Text explains the problem and some- times tells how to fix it. Some error messages identify what line in your program caused the error. Error messages are alphabetically arranged by environment, severity, and text respectively. Some of the entries contain references to other MiniMINC books. For example, MINC-F-Argument outside terminal scrolling limits Book 4, see: ROLL_AREA means that Book 4 explains the error message in its description of the ROLL-AREA graphics routine. Other entries give an explanation of the error and a recovery procedure. For example, MINC-F·No suitable free space on volume for file Directory may be full; try COLLECT. If necessary, delete some files and try COLLECT again. Otherwise, try another volume. 58 APPENDIX B The error messages listed in this book result from errors that you may encounter under normal operating conditions. If you receive an unlisted error message, try the following procedure: 1. Check that the diskette drives are properly loaded and that the diskette drive doors are closed. 2. Repeat the instructions you gave MiniMINC just before the error message appeared. 3. If the error message returns (or the message tells you to no- tify DIGITAL), contact the MINC Product Services Center between the hours of 9 A.M. and 6 PM., EST. To reach the MINC Product Services Center, eligible customers should call the number corresponding to their location. Massachusetts 1-800-762-9700 The continental United States (excluding Massachusetts) 1-800-225-9366 Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada (call collect) 0-617-493-9473 BOOT ERROR MESSAGES BOOT-F-I/O error System diskette probably bad; make new copy. BOOT-F-No boot on volume Book 3, see: Starting Procedures Book 2, see: MINC Volumes DIR ERROR MESSAGES DIR-F-Error reading directory Book 3, see: DIRECTORY DIR-F-Illegal device E Book 3, see: File Specifications DIR-F-Illegal directory Book 3, see: DIRECTORY DlFl~F-Output file full Book 3, see: DIRECTORY DIR-F—Write error Device detected an error in writing; check diskette drive and try again. Try another diskette if the message reappears. 59 APPENDIX B EDITOR ERROR MESSAGES EDITOR-F-Cannot find input file on specified or default volume Book 3, see: EDIT EDITOR-F-Cannot proceed; owner is ‘DIGITAL' for output volume Diskettes owned by DIGITAL do not accept alterations. Either replace the diskette or direct your output file to the other disk- ette drive. EDITOR-F-No output volume space large enough to EDI input file Book 3, see: EDIT EDITOR-F-Non directory device illegal for output Book 3, see: File Specifications EDITOR-F-Output volume has maximum number of files or no free blocks Book 3, See: CREATE, EDIT EDITOR-F-Unable to check volume owner Detected an error in reading; check diskette drive and try again. Try another diskette if the message reappears. EDITOR-F-Unable to size screen Book 3, see: EDIT EDITOR-W—Abort edit session losing all edits (Y,N)? Book 2, see: Control Characters and the Keypad Editor EDITOR-W-I/O error; check diskette drives and message manuals The file contains a bad block; see Book 3 for a discussion of bad blocks. EDITOR-W-Limited space for insertions (only # blocks). Continue (Y or N)? Book 3, see: CREATE, EDIT EDITOR-W—Output file name is already in use. Do you want to erase its current contents (Y or N)? Book 2, see: The Three Editing Commands FORMAT ERROR MESSAGE FORMAT-F-Device error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. HELP ERROR MESSAGES HELP-F-Help not available for # Book 3, see: HELP HELP-F-Syntax error in command, type HELP Book 3, see: HELP 60 APPENDIX B HELP-W-Default system HELP file not found No help for topic # Book 1, see: Getting HELP HELP-W—No help for topic HELP # V Help topic is invalid; type HELP to determine valid topics. KMON-F-Bad Fetch KMON ERROR Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- M ESS AG ES lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. KMON-F-Command file l/O error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. KMON-F-Command file not found Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. KMON-F-File not found Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. KMON-F-Handler file I/O error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MIN C Product Services Center. KMON—F-Overlay read error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. KMON—W-lllegal date Book 3, see: DATE KMON-W-Illegal time Book 3, see: TIME MINC ERROR MESSAGES MlNC—F-An earlier statement already defined the function Book 2, see: User-Defined Functions Book 3, see: DEF MINC-F-Another virtual array is using the channel Book 3, see: DIM MINC-F-Arguments in definition do not match function called Book 3, see: ASC, ATN, BIN, CHR$, COS, INT LEN, OCT, POS, SEGSS, SGN, SQR, STR$, TAB, TRM$, TTYSET, VAL 61 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Argument outside terminal scrolling limits Book 4, see: ROLL_AREA MINC-F-Array has invalid description Book 3, see: COMMON, DIM MINC-F-Array length is too small Book 4, see: DUAL-MOVE, GRAPH MINC-F-Array overfills workspace Book 3, see: Arrays, DIM, LENGTH MINC-F-Array subscript negative or too large Book 2, see: Nested Loops, Subscripts Book 3, see: Arrays MINC-F-Bad column specification Book 4, see: BOX, GET-CURSOR, MOVE_CURSOR, HTEXT, PUT-SYMBOL, TEXT-LINE, VTEXT MINC-F-Bad row specification Book 4, see: BOX, GET-CURSOR, MOVE-CURSOR, HTEXT, PUT-SYMBOL MINC-F-Both REAL and IMAG must be at |east as large as SIZE MiniMINC Supplement, see: FFT, POWER MINC-F-CALL fails; workspace too full for parameters Book 3, see: Routines MINC—F-Cannot erase a currently unused graph Book 4, see: ERASE-GRAPH MlNC—F-Cannot find routine named Book 3, see: CALL MINC-F-Cannot get cursor position from terminal Book 4, see: GET-CURSOR MINC-F-Cannot specify X value less than 1 with DISTANCE Book 4, see: DUAL-MOVE MINC-F-Can't be in double strip-chart mode when using this routine Book 4, see: POINT I MINC-F-Can't call REGION when in strip-chart (move) mode Book 4, see: REGION 62 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Can't display vertical lines in strip-chart (move) mode Book 4, see: GRAPH MINC-F-Can’t turn on graph that's not in use Book 4, see: VIEW MINC-F·ChanneI or unit # not in system for the routine MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN, COUT, FFT, SCHEDULE MINC-F-Check the manual; DUP cannot accept any file name Book 3, see: DUPLICATE MINC-F-COMMON variables not in same order as in last program Book 2, see: Preserving Values of Variables in a Chain Book 3, see: CHAIN,COMMON MINC-F-COP requires 2 file names Book 3, see: COPY MINC—F-Could not find service subroutine # requested MiniMINC Supplement, see: SCHEDULE MINC-F-Data lost—transfer rate too high MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN MINC-F-Data transfer or pending service request terminated MiniMINC Supplement, see: PAUSE,SCHEDULE MINC-F-DATA value or value from file does not match variable Book 2, see: READ and DATA Statements Book 3, see: DATA, READ MINC-F-Distance must be specified if X is omitted Book 4, see: DUAL-MOVE MINC-F-Earlier array description differs from reference Book 3, see: DIM MINC-F—END statement does not have highest number in program Book 3, see: END MINC—F—EOF error in compiled program; use program stored with SAVE The file produced by the COMPILE command contains a for- mat error; use a copy of the program created by a SAVE or REPLACE command. MINC-F-Error in compiled program; use program stored with SAVE The file produced by the COMPILE command contains a for- 63 APPENDIX B mat error; use a copy of the program created by a SAVE or REPLACE command. MINC-F~Fi|e channel input or output error Accessing data in a file produced an error; check diskette and diskette drive. MINC-F-File channel is not in the range 1-12 I Book 3, see: CLOSE MINC-F-File name in use; REPLACE or change name or volume Book 2, see: Program Files, The REPLACE Command Book 3, see: REPLACE, SAVE MINC-F-File Espace allocated on volume is too small Book 3, see: COMPILE, OPEN, PRINT, PRINT, USING MINC-F-First argument must be smaller than second Book 4, see: ROLL-AREA MINC-F-GOSUB fails; 20 routines already active Book 3, see: GOSUB, ON, RETURN MINC-F·Graph number must be zero when DUAL-MOVE used · Book 4, see: ERASE-GRAPH MINC-F-Graph number of zero not allowed here Book 4, see: BARGRAPH, GRAPH, GRID, HLINE, MAP-TO-TEXT, POINT, VLINE MINC-F-Graphics routine terminated by ^C You typed the CTRL/C signal to interrupt a graphics routine. MINC-F-Illegal baud rate specified MiniMINC Supplement, see: SET-SERIAL MINC·F·illegal graph number Book 4, see: GRAPH, GRID, ERASE-GRAPH, HLINE, LABEL, lVIAP-TO..TEXT, POINT, SHADE, VIEW, WINDOW, REGION, BARGRAPH MINC—F-Illegal number of bits specified MiniMINC Supplement, see: SET_SERIAL MINC-F-incomplete command; COP requires 2 file names; TYP requires at least one Book 3, see: COPY 64 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Index array is not present Book 4, see: GRAPH MINC-F-Indexing not allowed in strip-chart (move) mode Book 4, see: GRAPH MINC-F-Invalid command; use only 2 file names I Book 3, see: COPYZ DIR, INI, TYPE MINC-F-Invalid data type for argument # There was an invalid data type given for an argument in the po- sition listed. MINC-F-Invalid file name(s) Book 3, see: APPEND, DIRECTORY: NEW RENAME, SAVE MINC—F-Invalid operation; mixing numbers and strings Book 3, see: Assignment statement, DEF MINC-F-Invalid or conflicting options requested I Book 4, see: BOX, CHAR-MODE, DISPLAY-MODE, DUAL..MOVE, ERASE-GRAPH, ERASE-TEXT, GRAPH, BARGRAPH, WIDE-LINE, HTEXT, VTEXT, LIGHTS, POINT, PUT-SYMBOL, REGION, SHADE, TEXT-LINE MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN, COUT, SCHEDULE MINC-F-Invalid PRINT USING format or syntax Book 2, see: PRINT USING Statement Error Conditions Book 3, see: PRINT USING MINC-F-I/O error; unable to check volume owner Book 3, see: NAME, SAVE MINC-F-Line is longer than 132 characters The line is ignored; break the line into two or more lines. Or, if reading from a file, make sure the file contains only legal BASIC program lines. MINC-F-Line is too long to translate The line is ignored; break the line into two or more lines. Or, if reading from a file, make sure the file contains only legal BASIC program lines. MINC-F-Line must have different endpoints · Book 4, see: TEXT-LINE MINC-F—Missing argument no. # is required K Omitted required argument in the position listed. 65 APPENDIX B MINC-F-MOVE and BRAND cannot be specified together Book 4, see: GRAPH, POINT MINC-F-MOVE option must be selected if X argument is omitted Book 4, see: POINT MlNC-F-MOVE option must be specified if Move specified previously Book 4, see: GRAPH, POINT MINC-F-MOVE option must be specified to specify Units Book 4, see: POINT MINC-F-MOVE option not allowed if other graph is in use Book 4, see: GRAPH, POINT MINC-F-Need OPEN statement for file channel Book 3, see: CLOSE, INPUT, LINPUT, OPEN, PRINT, PRINT USING, RESTORE/RESET MINC-F-No corresponding FOFI statement for NEXT Book 2, see: Nested FOR Loops Book 3, see: FOR, NEXT MINC-F—No DEF statement for function named Book 2, see: User-Defined Functions Book 3, see: DEF MINC-F-No DIM or COMMON description for array used Book 3, see: Arrays MINC-F-No NEXT statement terminates FOR loop Book 3, see: FOR, NEXT MINC-F-No suitable free space on volume for file Directory may be full; try COLLECT. If necessary, delete some files and try COLLECT again. Otherwise, try a different vol- ume. MINC-F-No workspace available for the string specified MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN MINC-F-Notify DIGITAL: Internal error trap This message does not appear when MiniMINC is function- ing properly. It indicates a serious problem in the MiniMINC routines. MlNC·F-Notify DIGITAL: Mark time failure This message does not appear when MiniMINC is function- 66 APPENDIX B ing properly. It indicates a serious problem in the MiniMINC routines. MINC-F—Notify DIGITAL: Memory pool exhausted This message does not appear when MiniMINC is function- ing properly It indicates a serious problem in the MiniMINC ‘ routines. MINC-F-Notify DIGITAL: Protection failure This message does not appear when MiniMINC is function- ing properly. It indicates a serious problem in the MiniMINC routines. MINC—F-Number of indices is outside range O-10 Book 4, see: GRAPH MINC—F-Number of indices is too large for specified array Book 4, see: GRAPH MINC-F-Only one graph number may be in use Book 4, see: FIND-POINT MINC-F-Only one parity option may be specified MiniMINC Supplement, see: SET_SERIAL MINC-F-Only one symbol may be printed at a time! Book 4, see: PUT-SYMBOL MINC-F-OPEN fails; file channel already open Book 3, see: OPEN M|NC—F-OPEN fails; workspace too full for another channel Book 3, see: OPEN MINC-F-OPEN statement for file channel prohibits transfer Book 3, see: OPEN, RESTORE/RESET MINC-F-Outer FOB loop is using control variable Book 3, see: FOR, NEXT MINC-F-Output file name already in use; do you want to erase its current contents (Y or N)? Book 3, see: COPY MINC-F-Parentheses nested too deeply or too many user functions Break the statement into several simpler ones. MINC-F-Previously plotted point not found Book 4, see: GRAPH 67 APPENDIX B MINC-F—Previously scheduled event pending. No new request MiniMINC Supplement, see: SCHEDULE MINC-F-Program does not have statement number specified Book 3, see: CHAIN, GOSUB, GO TO, ON MINC-F-Program too large; workspace overfills Book 3, see: APPEND, CHAIN, COMMON MINC-F-Quotes around string do not match or end quote missing Book 2, see: String Literals MINC-F-Range of WINDOW limits too narrow Book 4, see: WINDOW (Restrictions) MINC-F-RESEO has an invalid statement number or interval Book 3, see: RESEQ MINC-F-Reached RETURN without executing a GOSUB statement Book 3, see: GOSUB, ON, RETURN MINC-F-Serial line number must be in range 1-3 MiniMINC Supplement, see: SET-SERIAL MINC-F-Serial output channel # is not ready MiniMINC Supplement, see: COUT MlNC·F-Single strip—chart mode cannot be on when DUAL-MOVE is called Book 4, see: DUAL-MOVE MINC-F—SIZE is greater than 2048 MiniMINC Supplement, see: FFT MINC-F-SIZE is less than or equal to 8 MiniMINC Supplement, see: FFT MINC-F-SIZE is not a power of 2 MiniMINC Supplement, see: FFT A MINC-F-SIZE must be greater than or equal to REAL, IMAG, 8. PSPECT arrays MiniMINC Supplement, see: POWER MINC·F-SIZE must be positive MiniMINC Supplement, see: POWER MINC-F-Sorry; the statement is invalid in immediate mode Not all statements are valid in immediate mode; include the statement in a short program and run the program. 68 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Specified corners are not diagonally opposite Book 4, see: BOX MlNC-F-Specified number not oonvertable to text coordinate Book 4, see: MAP_TO-TEXT MINC-F·Specified options incompatible with moving graphs I Book 4, see: GRAPH, ERASE-GRAPH MINC-F—Specified or default volume does nothave file named Book 2, see: Running Programs Book 3, see: APPEND, CHAIN, KILL, NAME, OPEN, REPLACE, RUN/RUNNH, UNSAVE MINC-F-Specified Flow or Column not in graphic region Book 4, see: MAP_TO_GRAPH MINC-F-Specify device only; no filename or file type is allowed Book 3, see: VERIFY MINC-F—Specify either LP: or serial line number, but not both MiniMINC Supplement, see: SET-SERIAL MINC-F-Specify only one file name Book 3, see: VERIFY MINC—F-Specify only one region, please A Book 4, see: REGION MINC-F-String is longer than 255 characters Book 3, see: Assignment MINC-F-String length must be from O to 255 characters MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN, COUT MINC-F-Stripchart modes must be off when this routine is called Book 4, see: FIND-POINT MINC-F-SUB creates an invalid statement or has a syntax error Book 2, see: The Substitute Command Book 3, see: SUB MINC—F-Syntax error; cannot translate the statement Book 3, see: APPEND, Arithmetic, DIM, LINPUT, RUN/ RUNNH MlNC—F-The TEXT option must be specified by itself Book 4, see: ERASE-GRAPH 69 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Time string format must be hhzmmzss MiniMINC Supplement, see: PAUSE, SCHEDULE MINC-F-Too few values for INPUT or READ variables Book 2, see: Checking for the End of the Input File Book 3, see: DATA, INPUT, LINPUT, READ MINC-F-Too many arguments in statement This message appears when there are more arguments in the argument list than the routine can interpret. This condition can arise because of extra commas in the argument list. MINC-F-Too many response requests pending MiniMINC can delay responding to response requests until pre- vious requests are handled, but at most eight response requests can be pending at one time. SCHEDULE causes response re- quests. MINC-F-Total number of arrays and variables in COMMON exceeds 255 Book 3, see: COMMON MlNC-F-Use another file type; SYS, SAV, COM, and BAD are protected Book 3, see: Protected File Types, UNSAVE MlNC-F-Use array element instead of array for argument # MiniMINC Supplement, see: CIN, COUT MlNC-F·Value of argument # is outside valid range Book 4, see: GRAPH, DUAL-MOVE, ERASE_TEXT, HLINE, VLINE MiniMINC Supplement, see: PAUSE, SCHEDULE MINC·F-Value of control expression is out of range Book 2, see: ON/GO TO Statements Book 3, see: ON MINC-F-Value of FILESIZE expression too large or less than -1 Book 3, see: OPEN MINC-F-Variable name required for argument # An argument was a literal instead of the required variable or array name. This condition can result from missing or extra commas in the argument list. Book 4, see: FIND-POINT, GET-CURSOR, MAP-TO-GRAPH, MAP-TO-TEXT MiniMINC Supplement, see: FIND-CURSOR, GET-CHAR MINC-F-Width + Distance must be less than 512 Book 4, see: WIDELLINE 70 APPENDIX B MINC-F-Workspace contents remain unchanged Not enough memory available to store all the strings used in the program; reduce the size of the BASIC program. Book 3, see: EXTRA-SPACE, NORMAL-SPACE MINC-F-Wrong number of arguments or improper argument default There was an improper number of arguments for a MINC BASIC routine. MINC-F-X value must be less than 512 when DISTANCE is selected Book 4, see: DUAL-M()VE T MINC-F-Zero is illegal as a FlOLL-AFlEA argument B Book 4, see: ROLL-AREA MINC-W-Attempt to find square root of a negative value Book 3, see: SQR MINC-W-Cannot recover workspace program; see message manual Indicates user workspace program and variables have been lost. Usually occurs when you request a directory after the EXTRA-SPACE command. MINC-W-Dividing by zero Book 2, see: Multiplication, Division Book 3, see: Arithmetic MINC-W-Enter new value. Old value did not match INPUT variable A Book 3, see: INPUT M|NC—W-Extra values from keyboard or file ignored Book 3, see: INPUT MINC-W—Invalid exponential expression The program tried to compute the value AAB where A256. BASIC substitutes a value or zero for the result. MINC-W-LOG or LOG10 expression less than or equal to 0 Book 3, see: LOG, LOG10 MINC-W-Value of integer expression not in range -32768 to +32767 Book 3, see: Arithmetic, Assignment Statement M|NC—W—Va|ue of real expression ls too large Book 3, see: Arithmetic, Assignment Statement, ATN, EXP MINC-W-Value of real expression is too small Book 3, see: Arithmetic, Assignment Statement, ATN, EXP 71 APPENDIX B MON ERROR MESSAGES Mom-F-Bad fetch Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MIN C Product Services Center. MON-F-Directory I/O error Book 3, see: COPY MON-F-Directory overflow Collect and try again; if condition persists, delete some files and collect again. Otherwise, try a different volume. MON-F-Overlay error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new diskette. If the prob- lem persists, notify the MIN C Product Services Center. MON-F-Power fall halt Restart system. MON—F-Swap error Indicates serious disk corruption; try a new disk. If the problem persists, notify the MIN C Product Services Center. MON-F—System halt Restart system. MON—F-System read failure halt Book 3, see: Starting Procedures MON-F-Trap to 10 Possibly caused by static electricity; try again. If the condition persists, notify the MINC Product Services Center. MON-F—Trap to 4 Possibly caused by static electricity; try again. If the condition persists, notify the MIN C Product Services Center. UTILITY ERROR MESSAGES UTILITY-F-Bad directory block Diskette not usable; try initializing diskette to recover it. If con- dition persists, discard diskette. UTILITY-F-Copies of the following files may be faulty; # Book 3, see: DUPLICATE UTILITY-F-Device full Book 3, see: DUPLICATE UTILITY-F-Device SY may not be initialized Book 3, see: INITIALIZE 72 APPENDIX B UTILITY-F-Directory full Collect and try again; if condition persists, delete some files and collect again or else use another diskette. UTILITY-F-Disk unusable, too many bad blocks Diskette not usable; try initializing diskette to recover it. If con- . dition persists, discard diskette. UTILITY-F-Error in formatting disk Diskette not usable; try initializing diskette to recover it. If con- dition persists, discard diskette. UTILITY-F-Error in system area Diskette not usable; try initializing diskette to recover it. If con- dition persists, discard diskette. UTILITY-F—Error reading directory Book 3, see: COLLECT, VERIFY UTILITY-F-Error writing directory Book 3, see: INITIALIZE I UTILITY-F—File not found Book 3, see: COPY, TYPE UTILITY-F-Illegal command Book 3, see: VERIFY UTILITY—F-Illegal device Book 3, see: COLLECT s UTILITY-F-Illegal directory Book 3, see: DUPLICATE UTILITY-F-Input truncated at twelve characters Book 3, see: INITIALIZE UTILITY-F-No swap file on boot volume Put avalid MiniMINC diskette in drive 0 and restart the system. UTILITY-F-No volume id Book 3, see: DUPLICATE UTILITY-F—Not enough usable space on volume Book 3, see: COPY UTILITY-F-Flead error Book 3, see: COLLECT, COPY INITIALIZE 73 APPENDIX B UTILITY—F-Target volume must be newly initialized Book 2, see: Duplicating a Volume Book 3, see: DUPLICATE UTILITY-F—Unable to initialize volume with owner name ‘DIGITAL' Book 3, see: INITIALIZE UTILITY—F·Unable to specify 'DIGITAL' as owner name Book 3, see: INITIALIZE UTILITY-F-Uninitialized volume Book 3, see: COLLECT UTILITY—F-Volume owner name may not be 'DIGITAL' Book 3, see: COPY UTILITY—F-Write error Book 3, see: COPY 74