THEORY OP OPERATIONS EXPANSION BOARD The Expansion board is merely an extension of the main computer board. A number of the functions of the LNW80 Computer are performed on the expansion board. These functions include additional memory, real time clock, floppy disk controller, parallel printer, and RS232C serial port. The expansion bus is a 40 pin connecter that contains all of the necessary control, data, and address lines necessary for operation. LNW80 EXPANSION BUS The 48 pin bus is equivalent tO the TRS80's 40 pin expansion bus. The following are the signals and their descriptions for the expansion bus: PIN # SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION 1 RAS* ROW ADDRESS STROBE 2 SYSRES* SYSTEM RESET 3 CAS* COLUMN ADDRESS STROBE 4 A10 ADDRESS INPUT 5 A12 ADDRESS INPUT 6 A13 ADDRESS INPUT 7 A15 ADDRESS INPUT 8 GND GROUND 9 A11 ADDRESS INPUT 10 A14 ADDRESS INPUT 11 A8 ADDRESS INPUT 12 OUT* I/0 WRITE STROBE 13 WR* WRITE STROBE 14 INTACK* INTERUPT ACKNOWLEDGE 15 RD* READ STROBE 16 MUX ADDRESS MULTIPLEXER 17 A9 ADDRESS INPUT 18 D4 DATA BUS 19 IN* I/0 READ STROBE 20 D7 DATA BUS 21 INT* MASKABLE INTERUPT REQUEST 22 D1 DATA BUS 23 TEST* BUS REQUEST 24 D6 DATA BUS 25 A0 ADDRESS INPUT 26 D3 DATA BUS 27 A1 ADDRESS INPUT 28 D5 DATA BUS 29 GND GROUND 30 D0 DATA BUS 31 A4 ADDRESS INPUT 32 D2 DATA BUS 33 WAIT* Z80A CPU WAIT 34 A3 ADDRESS INPUT 35 A5 ADDRESS INPUT 36 A7 ADDRESS INPUT 37 GND GROUND 38 A6 ADDRESS INPUT 39 GND GROUND 40 A2 ADDRESS INPUT MEMORY EXPANSION The Expansion Board contains 16 additional 4116 type RAM chips at U42-49 and U53-60. U37 and U38 (LS241's) are used to multiplex the address lines. U34 and U35 are used to buffer the data lines both input and output. RAS* is buffered to all of the RAMs while CAS* is gated by U29 with 48KRAMEN* and 32KRAMEN*. When the CPU wishes to access the upper memory it places an address from 7FFF to FFFF on the expansion bus. The address is decoded at U30. When A15 and A14 are high and RAS* is low, 48KRAMEN* (U30-7) will go low enabling CAS* to the upper bank of memory. When A15 is high and A14 and RAS* are low, 32KRAMEN* (U30-6) will go low enabling CAS* to the lower bank. The data bus is buffered by U34 and U35. These buffers will pass data from the memory onto the data bus when pin 1 of U34 and U35 is low. 32KRAMEN* and 48KRAMEN* are fed into U11 pins 2 and 1 respectively. When either goes low the output (U11-3) will go low. This signal is used to gate RD* through U29 pins 9 and 18 respectively. U29-8 is then fed into U34 and U35 and is used to enable memory data onto the data bus. U34 and U35 is tied to gnd thus enabling data from the data bus to the data input of the memory array at all times. For further information on the operation of 4116 type dynamic rams refer to the section on program memory in the theory of operations of the LNW80 computer board. FLOPPY CONTROLLER AND PRINTER DECODING U19 is used to decode the various signals involved in the floppy disk and parallel printer circuits. All addresses memory mapped within the range 37EB to 37EC (HEX) are decoded through U19. When the CPU places an address in this range on the address bus RAS* (U30-1) will go low indicating a valid address. All of the inputs to U31 will go high resulting in a logic "0" at U31-8. All, A14, and A15 will be low such that all of the inputs to U30, pins 1,2,3,13, and 14, will be low. U30-4 will go low enabling U30-12 which will also go low. U30-12 is used to enable the outputs of U19 which effectively produces a "double" 2/4 line decoder. The outputs of U19 are used as control signals for both the Floppy Controller and the Parallel Printer Interfaces. Explanations of these signals and the addresses that decode them may be found below: ADDRESS PIN# FUNCTION DECODE WR* RD* ==================================================== 7 INTERUPT RESET 37E0H 1 0 6 N/C 37E4 1 0 5 PRINTER STATUS READ 37E8 1 0 4 FLOPPY READ 37EC 1 0 9 MOTOR ON/DRIVE SELECT 37EH 0 1 10 CASSETTE 37E4 0 1 11 PRINTER WR STROBE 37E8 0 1 12 FLOPPY WRITE 37EC 0 1 PARALLEL LINE PRINTER PORT The expansion board contains an interface to the Radio Shack/Centronic Printer. This Printer Interface consists of an eight bit output port and a four bit input port. This I/0 port is accessed by either writing or reading from address 37E8 Hex. This address is decoded at U30, U31, and U19. When reading the memory address 37EB, the printer status is read through U3. Only the 4 most significant data bits contain valid information. The meaning of each data bit is as follows: Data Bit Printer Status ======== ============== D7 Printer Busy D6 Paper Empty D5 Unit Select D4 Fault The Radio Shack's parallel printer has wire ORed internally, the printer busy status, and the paper empty signal. When using the Radio Shack/Centronic Printer, only one of these two bits, D6 or D7, needs to be checked. The printer busy indication is issued by asserting a logic When this occurs, the paper empty status will also be a logic "1". The unit select and fault status bits are not used by the Radio Shack's printer. A write to memory location 37EB will load the output latch U4 and U5 to the line printer's internal data buffer and also generate a signal through U7 called DATA STROBE (U7-4). DATA STROBE will be a low-going pulse of approximately 1.5us. The Radio Shack's printer is set up to recognize the following control characters for the line feed and carriage return: Character Function ========= ======== 0A(Hex) Line Feed 0D Carriage Return When either of these control characters are received by the printer, the printer will assert a logic "1" at the printer busy status. CLOCK CIRCUIT The Expansion Board Main Clock is a 4 MHz oscillator, utilizing Y1 and U18 to form a series resonant circuit. The 4MHz clock is input to U9-14 and U24-2. U9 provides a divide by 2 resulting in a 2 MHz clock at U9-12, which is then input to U22-3 which again divides by 2 resulting in the 1 MHz clock input to the FLOPPY CONTROLLER (U14) . U24 effectively produces a divide by 13 of the 4 MHz clock resulting in a 307 KHz clock at U24-11. This is used to clock U25, a 4 bit binary counter. Its output produces 4 of the 8 baud rates used for the SERIAL INTERFACE. The frequencies of the outputs can be calculated by multiplying the baud frequency by 16 for the frequency in Hz. U17 is clocked by U25-12 (30.4KHz) and provides a divide by 11 resulting in a 3.49KHz clock at U17-11. This is input to U10-14, which does a divide by two such that U10-12 is a 1.75KHz clock. The 2nd half of U10 is clocked by U25-11 (19.2KHz) and does a divide by 8. The outputs of U10 provide the other 4 baud rate clock signals. Baud rate clocks will be discussed in the section entitled "SERIAL INTERFACE". U10-11 (2.4KHz) is clocked into U9-1 which set for a divide by 6 resulting in an output of 400Hz. This is then input to U12 which is set for a divide by ten resulting in the 40Hz clock signal used to provide the REAL TIME CLOCK. FLOPPY DISK INTERFACE The function of interfacing to a floppy disk drive is performed primarily by the Western Digital's FD1771B-01 Floppy Disk Formatter/Controller chip. Note that when using double density adapters, the "doubler" performs the duties of the controller chip. The LNDOUBLER 5/8 will be explained in a further section. The FD1771, a MOS/LSI device which performs much of the housekeeping involved in reading and writing data to and from the disk has the following internal features: 1. Cyclic redundancy check and generation for error checking. 2. Internally seperates disk head outpput into data. 3. Checks for desired section, check ID field and locate it's data address mark. 4. Accounts for track number of the current read/write head position The interface to the processor is accomplished through the eight Data Access Line (DAL) and the associated control signals. When reading from the DAL, the address decoder U19-4 (37EC READ*) will be low enabling U8 and U15 to buffer data from U14 to the data bus. U8 and U15 are LS240's, OCTAL BUFFERS/LINE DRIVERS/LINE RECEIVERS with inverted 3-state outputs. When writing from the data bus to the DAL, the address decoder U19-12 (37EC WRITE*) will be low enabling U8 and U15 to buffer data from the data bus to the floppy controller. The least two significant addresses, A0 and A1, are decoded by the floppy controller to interpret the selected registers of the read and write operations. These registers are decoded as follows: A1-A0 READ WRITE ===== ========== =========== 0 0 STATUS REG. COMMAND REG. 0 1 TRACK REG. TRACK REG. 1 0 SECTOR REG. SECTOR REG. 1 1 DATA REG. DATA REG. The interrupt request (INTRQ) of the FDC (U14-39) indicates the completion or termination of any operation. INTRQ presets U22A presenting a high to Ul pins 4 and 5, which is reset by reading the FDC Status Register. Reading from 37E0H will reset the interrupt signal (Ul-6) by clocking a low at the output of U22A. The FDC requires a 1 MHz clock input to U14-24 which is generated from the 4 MHz main clack circuit and is explained in the clock discription of the expansion board. Drive Selection through Data Lines DH-D3 is clocked into U13 by 37E8 WRITE* (U19-9). This also triggers the one-shot, U7A, generating the motor on signal. The drive selection is only activated when the motor on signal (U7-5) is high. When U7-5 is low, clearing U13, a high is generated at U11-8. This signal is then inverted at U20-10 providing a low command and indicating that the floppy status is ready. U14-19 is the MASTER RESET, and is driven by SYSRES* from the main computer board. When WR* goes low, the FDC is reset and HEX 03 is loaded into the command register and the system will proceed to reboot. For further details of the internal operations and the programing of the FDC refer to the data sheets. SERIAL INTERFACE The Block Diagram (figure 8) outlines the major sections of the Serial Interface. For the following circuit description, use the schmatics along with the Block Diagram to aid in visualizing the circuit theory.BAUD RATE GENERATION In order to provide the receive and transmit baud clocks for the UART, the 4 MHz clock is divided down. Details of the clock divider circuitry is given in the section entitled CLOCK CIRCUIT. The Baud Rate is programmed by jumpering A,B,C,D,E,F,G, or H to the RX and TX line. (Note that on the pre-assembled LNW80 Systems, these have been jumpered using two 8-pin dip switches.) These RX and TX lines are used by the UART far the RECEIVE and TRANSMIT BAUD CLOCKS. TR1602B UART The TR1602B Universal Asynchronoous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is the heart of the serial interface. It takes parallel data from the CPU BUS and converts it to serial data and at the same time can receive serial data and convert it to parallel. It has two registers which can be read--one for the status and the other with received data. It has two registers which can be loaded--one with transmit data and the other with control information (word length,parity,stop bits). Refer to the Data Sheet of the Western Digital TR1602B for further details of operation. EIA RS232C and 20mA LEVEL SHIFTERS AND DRIVERS The serial output of U40 is pin25 (TRQ). It drives U18 for buffering to EIA Driver U61-9 and the 20mA driver U50-6. Serial data can be output by U26-10 which drives both U50-7 and U61-10. U50, R23, and R24 provide the 20mA interface. When U50 conducts it allows about 20mA of current to flow (20mA=mark,0mA=space). Received serial data is brought in to U51-4. U51 is an EIA to TTL receiver. The 20mA serial input is accomplished by the current to voltage conversion of R25 and R26. The TTL received data is fed to the Receive Data (RI,U40-20) of the UART and is fed to U33-12 to, be read as part of the Modem Status Buffer. HANDSHAKE LATCH U26 is the handshake latch. D0-D2 inputs to U26 pins 4, 5, and 12 respectively. The latch is loaded when OUT EAH (U16-5) goes low which is input to U26-9. The outputs of U26 are fed to U61-12,13 and U61-4,5 for level conversion to EIA standards. MODEM STATUS BUFFER U33 is the modem status buffer. U52, an EIA receiver, converts EIA levels to TTL. This is input to U33 and enabled to the data bus when IN E8H (U16-7) goes low. In addition, the Serial Input (TTL) is fed to U33-12 to allow the CPU to directly input the serial data. CONFIGURATION SENSE JUMPERS Jumper wires from K,N,P,M, and J connected to E5 or E6 select whether the associated data bit is a "1" or a "0" when U28 is enabled onto the data bus. It is enabled by IN E9H (U16-6) and is used by serial driver programs so that stop bits, parity, and word length can be selected by hardware configuration. DECODING AND CONTROL LOGIC The port address decoding (IN,OUT-E8,E9,EA,EB) is accomplished by U4l and U16. U41 decades the upper 6 bits (E8) and outputs to the strobe inputs of U16. The lower two address bits (A1,A0) feed to the A and B inputs of U16. U16 is a 2/4 line decoder and its outputs. (active low) select which part is addressed and whether it is an IN or OUT instruction. U23 pins 1 and 2 are driven by INEAH and INEBH such that whenever the Receive Register and the Status Regiser of the UART are read, U39 drives the data onto the data bus. Below is a summary of the address decoding: IN E8H - Modum Status Register IN E9H - Configuration Jumpers IN EAH - UART Status Register IN EBH - UART Receive Register, Data Received Reset OUT E8H - Master Reset OUT E9H - Not Used OUT EAH - Control Register Load, Handshake Latch Load OUT EBH - Transmit Holding Register Load SERIAL INTERFACE PORT ADDRESSING
Data Bit | Jumper Letter | Configuration Jumpers | UART Control Register Handshake Latch | UART Status Register | Modem Status Register |
D7 | j | Even/0dd Parity 1=Even 0=Odd | Even/Odd Parity | Data Receive 1=True | Clear to send Pin 5 DB-25 |
D6 | m | Word Length 1 | Word Length 1 | THRE 1=True | DSR Pin 6 DB-25 |
D5 | p | Word Length 2 | Word Length 2 | OverrunError 1=True | CD Pin 8 DB-25 |
D4n | Stop Bit Slct. | 1=2bits,O=lbit Stop Bit Slct. | 1=2bits,O=1bit Framing Err. | 1=True Ring Indctor. | Pin 22 DB-25 |
D3 | k | Parity Inhibit 1 disabled par. | Parity Inhibit 1 disabled par. | Parity Error 1=True |
D2 | Break, 0 Disable Transmit Data |
D1 | Request to Send Pin 4 DB-25 | Receiver In. UART Pin 20 |
D0 | Data Terminal Ready Pin 20 DB-25 |
IN 0E9H | OUT 0EAH | IN 0EAH | IN 0E8H |
REAL TIME CLOCK The 40 Hz Real Time Clock is output from U12-11 and used to clock U21B. This clocks a logic "0" to U21-9 which presets U21A. This places a logic "1" at U21-5 which is input t0 U29-4. If U29-4 goes high then its output U29-6 will go high. U29-6 is inverted through U20 and thus presets U22B. U22-9 goes high and is inverted through U1 which sends a maskable interupt request to the CPU. The CPU responds by decoding 37E0RD* at U19-7. 37E0RD* presents U21B, clocks a logic "0" into U21A, and enables the output of U38. If bit D7 is a logic "1", then the RTC generated the interupt request. The programming of the Real Time Clock can be by DOS or in a User's Machine Program. Note the DOS Manual for commands. TOC | Next Page