Items AvailableProgramming Utilities6301 Assembler - An extended BASIC module that allows you to include HD6301 assembly language programs as inline code within BASIC programs. Can also be used as a conventional assembler for programs written entirely in assembly language.
6301 Debugger - (Requires the 6301 Assembler above) A program development system that consists of five components:
Verify - Compares a binary file held on microcassette with the contents of memory. Can be used to discover which file on a tape is most recent, or which bytes in a file have been changed. HX-20 ASSEMBLER REFERENCE MANUAL General UtilitiesSideways printer - A popular program in its time that allows 80 column by 16 lines printed sideways on the internal printer. Prints "cut" marks to allow all the strips to be stuck together to make a page. This is used as "SPT0:", i.e. a standard BASIC device. RX80 A5 printer - prints a full page sideways shrunk 50% on any RX80 compatible printer (e.g. for making booklets). Accepts most RX80 text-mode commands. Has a font utility to allow custom fonts to be designed. Filer - Records a catalogue on a microcassette to allow easy access to stored programs. Enables best use of the tape. Calendar - prints a calendar for a year as 3 months per row, 4 rows per year. The output can be sent to any 80 column output device, either printer or sideways printer. Banner - Produces large letters on the internal printer, to make a banner! PLAY - The nearest the HX-20 ever got to multimedia ;-) An extension to BASIC that implements PLAY, PITCH and TEMPO commands. Playing is interrupt driven, and continues in the background. Uses standard musical note notation of A-G, plus symbol modifiers for sharp, flat, duration, rests and repeats. Even has bar marks, and nested repeats! PublicationsMemory Map (hx20mem.pdf) - Provides technical details of the memory locations within the HX-20, including the I/O area, page zero variables, system variables, menu variables, keyboard locations, RS232 locations, cassette locations, screen locations, monitor and ROM vectors. Also contains details of the system ROM calls (e.g. keyboard, LCD, cassette etc). Other Miscellaneous Items
HX-20 ROM Cartridges - I have a small stock of empty HX20 ROM cartridges. These were obsolete stock from Epson UK that did have programs in, but the programs have been removed (they are otherwise unused). Uses 27C64 or 27C128 eproms (or 27C256). If you use 27C128 or 27C256 eproms, they need a small patch to the PCB (I can supply details). I also have a collection of various other odds and ends, such as a tape io system and HD6301 cross assembler that runs on the PC (this was a port of the HX-20 assembler). Unfortunately, I haven't got round to cataloguing everything yet! If you have a specific requirement let me know - I might already have some source code available! Copyright © Julian Wald 1997-2002 |