Epson PX-8 BIOS subroutines (OSRM, 4-2) -03h BOOT Performs a cold BOOT 00h WBOOT Performs a warm BOOT 03h CONST Returns the console input status. 06h CONIN Inputs one character to the console. 09h CONOUT Outputs one character to the console. 0Ch LIST Outputs one character to the LIST device. 0Fh PUNCH Outputs one character to the PUNCH device. 12h READER Inputs one character from the READER device. 15h HOME Positions the disk head to track 00. 18h SELDSK Specifies the device. 1Bh SETTRK Specifies the track for read or write. 1Eh SETSEC Specifies the sector for read or write. 21h SETDMA Specifies the DMA starting address for the read or write. 24h READ Reads the specified sector 27h WRITE Writes data to the specified sector. 2Ah LISTST Returns the status of the list device. 2Dh SECTRN Translates a logical sector to a physical sector. 30h PSET Converts graphic screen data for display. 33h SCRNDUMP Takes a hard copy of the displayed data. 36h BEEP Sounds the speaker. 39h RSOPEN Opens the RS-232C interface. 3Ch RSCLOSE Closes the RS-232C interface. 3Fh RSINST Informs whether the RS-232C interface has received data. 42h RSOUTST Checks whether the RS-232C is ready for transmission. 45h RSIN Receives one character from the RS-232C interface. 48h RSOUT Transfers one character to the RS-232C interface. 4Bh TIMDAT Performs clock or alarm functions. 4Eh (MEMORY) Does nothing. 51h RSIOX Performs RS-232C functions 54h (LIGHTPEN) Does nothing. 57h MASKI Sets or resets the interrupt mask. 5Ah LOADX Reads the data in the specified bank. 5Dh STORX Writes data into the specified bank. 60h LDIRX Transfers data between banks. 63h JUMPX Jumps to the specified bank address. 66h CALLX Calls the subroutine at the specified bank address. 69h GETPFK Gets a PF key. 6Ch PUTPFK Defines a PF key. 6Fh ADCVRT Performs analog data input operation. 72h SLAVE Process communication with the SLAVE CPU 6301. 75h RDVRAM Read the contents of VRAM. 78h MCMTX Process communication with MIOS. 7Bh POWEROFF Turns main power off. 7Eh USERBIOS Entry point to the User BIOS. Typical BIOS call: LD IX, SLAVE LD BC, (WBOOT) ADD IX, BC JP IX Slave CPU Commands (OSRM 13-13) 1 RAM 00 Read data 01 Write data 02 Execute routine 2 Screen 10 - 36 3 Microcassette 40-56 4 Serial I/O and serial communication 60 Read serial I/O port status 61 Set serial port bit rate 62 Serial input 63 Serial output 64 Send with header (epsp-protocol) 65 Receive data 5 ROM and speaker 70 Turn on/off PROM capsule power 71 Read PROM data 72 Turn on/off speaker power 73 Beep 74 Melody Source: PX-8 OSRM, p. 15-2 Read Write 00h ICRL (Input Capture Register Low) CTRL1 (Control Register 1) 01h ICRH (Input Capture Regiser High) CMDR (Command Register) 02h ICRL.B (IRL Bar code Trigger) CTRL2 (Control Register 2) 03h ICRH.B (IRH Bar code Trigger) 04h ISR (Interrupt Status Register) IER (Interrupt Enable Register) 05h STR (Status Register) 7508 CPU 06h SIOR (Serial Data I/O Register) SIOR (Serial I/O Register) 0Ch 8251 Data Read 8251 Data Write 0Dh 8251 Status Read 8251 Command Write 0Eh SED 1320 PSR SED 1320 PDIR (6303 CPU) 0Fh SED 1320 PDOR SED 1320 PDIR (6303 CPU) 80h - 81h Intelligent RAM disk 84h - 87h Direct modem 88h - 8Bh Japanese-language processor 90h - 94h Nonintelligent RAM disk A0h - A7h Synchronous communication unit