Source: OSRM I-15 (registers), OSRM I-64 (modes), II-500 (cartridges), III-14 (programs), Technical Manual
Usually the O.S. has figured out the cartridge mode and cartridge identifier at Reset/Power On, but sets the interface in reset mode (/CSR bit, IOCTRL) and applies the pseudo-reset. The reset and the pseudo-resets, two of them, have to be cleared before the cartridge can be accessed.
I/O Registers copied in RAM (I-38, II-500). When changes are written to the ports, update the OS copy too:
P00h CTRL1 0F001h RZCTRL1
P13h 0F53Fh CRGDEV
P18h SWR 0F005h RZSWR
CTRL1 (Control Register, P00h, write mode, P00h, I-16) (writing disables pseudo-reset for CTRL1, IER, BANKR):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | +---- SLBCR Select trigger for FCR; 0 = bar code reader, 1 = external cassette input
| | | | | +-+------ BCR1, BCR1 Barcode mode select
| | | | +---------- SWBCR Barcode Power Switch; 0 = off, 1 = on
+-+-+-+------------ Baud Rate Generator Select
IOSTR (IO Status Register, P16h, read mode, I-32):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | +---- PBUSY Busy signal from the Centronics interface
| | | | | | +------ PERR Error signal from the Centronics interface
| | | | | +-------- SIN Status signal from the SIO interface
| | | | +---------- RXD Serial data input
| | | +------------ RCD RS-232C CD signal
| | +-------------- RCTS RS-232C CTS signal
| +---------------- CSEL Cartridge option select signal ; 0=HS mode, 1 other mode
+------------------ CAUD Audio input signal from the cartridge connector
ARTCR *ART Command Register, P16h, write mode, I-32):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x x | | | | | |
| | | | | +--- TXE Controls serial transmission; 0=disable, 1=enable
| | | | +----- RDTR RS-232C DTR signal
| | | +------- RXE Controls serial reception; 0=disable, 1=enable
| | +--------- SBRK Break output; 1=forces TXD low
| +----------- ER Resets OE, FE and PE bits
+------------- RRTS RS-232C RTS signal
SWR (Switch register, P18h, write mode, I-33) (writing disables pseudo-reset for SWR, ARTMR, ARTCR):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x x x | | | | |
| | | | +---- CSW0 \ / CSW0=0; CSW1=0: HS mode, CSW0=1; CSW1=0: IO mode,
| | | +------ CSW1 -- Cartridge I/F mode - CSW0=0; CSW1=1: DB mode, CSW0=1; CSW1=1: OT mode.
| | +-------- SSW0 \ / SSW0=0; SSW1=0: RXD+TXD=CartSIO, SSW0=1; SSW1=0: RXD+TXD=RS-232C,
| +---------- SSW1 -- Serial mode - SSW0=0; SSW1=1: RXD+TXD=SIO, SSW0=1; SSW1=1: RXD=RS232C; TXD=SIO
+------------ AUSW masks CAUD (audio from cartridge) ; 0=mask off, 1=masks on
IOCTRL (IO Control Register), P19h, write mode, I-35):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | +---- PSTB Centronics interface strobe signal 0 = Normal, 1 = Data Strobe
| | | | | | +------ /PINT Initial output for Centronics interface. o initialized the printer
| | | | | +-------- SOUTControl signal for the SIO interface
| | | | +---------- /CSR Cartridge reset signal. 0 = Reset cartridge, 1 = Normal cartridge operation mode (? enables pseudo-reset?)
| +-+-+------------ Keyboard LED2, LED1, LED0, (CAPS, NUM, INS)
+------------------ SP Output to loudspeaker. 0 = connects cartridge CAUD line to speaker, 1 = disconnects CAUD
The four cartridge types/modes (I-64)
* HS 00h (Handshake mode) 0 0
* DB 01h (Data bus mode, four addresses) 1 0
* IO 02h (4 bit output bus, 4 bit input bus) 0 1
* OT 03h (8 bit latched output bus) 1 1
SWR bits 2 & 3 (I-34):
0 0 Cartridge SIO (RXD & TXD)
0 1 SIO (RXD & TXD)
1 0 RS-232C (RXD & TXD)
1 1 RS-232C (RXD) & SIO (TXD)
Pseudo -reset (I-36):
HS mode register Read Write P10h CHSIR data byte CHSOR data byte P11h CHSSR flags CHSCR command byte P12h - P13h -
CHSSR flags (read mode):
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
x x x x x | | |
| | +---- OBF - output buffer full (Pine to Cartridge)
| +------ IBF - input buffer full (Cartridge to Pine)
+-------- CAB1 - Cartridge status data
Request cartridge code (Micro drive and Cartridge printer):
upper nibble:
0000 No cartridge
0001 ROM cartridge DB mode, device code 01h
0010 RAM cartridge DB mode, device code 02h
1000 PROM writer cart. DB mode, device code 08h !
1000 Microcassette drive HS mode, device code 08h !
1001 Cartridge printer HS mode, device code 09h
1110 DMM cartridge IO mode, device code 0Eh
1111 Modem cartridge IO mode, device code 0Fh
DB mode registers
Read Write
P10h not used CDBORO LSB byte address
P11h not used CDBOR1 MSB byte address
P12h CDBIR2 data byte CDBOR2 data byte
P13h Device ID CDBOR3 bit 0 is Power (0 is off, 1 is on)
P13h Rd:
0000 0001 ROM cartridge
0000 0010 RAM cartridge
asm example:
LD A, (RZSWR) ; RZSWR: 0F005h, SWR: 18h
AND 0FCh ; clear bits 0 and 1
OR 02h ; set bit 1 for DB mode
LD (RZSWR), A ; save value
OUT (SWR), A ; switch mode
Read Write
P10h CIOR CDB7-4, CDB3-0 CIOR CDB7-4, CB3-0 is a don't care nibble
P11h Not used Not used
P12h Not used Not used
P13h Not used Not used
The DMM and Modem cartridges use the Cartridge SIO for communication. The BRG0-3 bits in CTRL1, P00h set the Baud rate (I-17).
CDB0 - RDY signal, CDB4 - 0 = Power-on, 1 = Power-off
LD A, (RZSWR) ; RZSWR: 0F005h, SWR: 18h
AND 0FCh ; clear bits 0 and 1
OR 01h ; set bit 0 for IO mode
LD (RZSWR), A ; save value
OUT (SWR), A ; switch mode
Read Write
P10h COTR Output port contents COTR data byte
P11h - -
P12h - -
P13h - -
OT mode is a single 8 bit latch on P10h which contents can be read back.
A cartridge access order that works:
Latest update: 2023-04-23