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The following table lists the error codes in numerical order.

1 NF NEXT without FOR.

2 SN Syntax error.

3 RG RETURN without GOSUB.

4 OD Out of data.

5 FC Illegal function call.

6 0V Overflow.

7 OM Out of memory.

8 UL Undefined line.

9 BS Sub-script out of range.

10 DD Redimensioned array.

11 /0 Division by zero.

12 ID Illegal direct.

13 TM Type mismatch.

14 OS Out of string space.

15 LS String too long.

16 ST String formula too complex.

17 CN Cannot continue.

18 10 Input/Output error.


20 RW RESUME without error.

21 UE Unprintable error.

22 MO Missing operand. 23-49 UE Unprintable errors.

50 IE Internal error.

51 BN Bad file number.

52 FF File not found.

53 AO File already open.

54 EF Input past end.

55 NM Bad file name.

56 DS Direct statement in file.

57 FL Too many files.

58 CF File not open. 

59-255 UE Unprintable errors.


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