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FIX Truncates a number to
an integer.
FIX(x) where: x is a number
FOR...NEXT Executes a loop a given
number of times.
FOR a = n TO p STEP s
NEXT z,y..., a where: a,y,z are variables
n,p,s are numeric expressions
FRE Returns the number of
bytes free.
FRE(x), FRE(x$) where: x is a dummy numeric argument ,usually 0
x$ is a dummy string argument, usually null
GOSUB and RETURN Used to transfer con-
trol to a sub-routine
and back to the main
RETURN where: n is the line number of the start of the sub-routine
GOTO Causes an unconditional
branch to another line.
GOTO n where: n is line number

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