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An example of a log-on protocol would be:

< = ^C ?U User Identity ^M ?P Password ^M >

which translated means:

1. Wait two seconds (=) then send Control-C (^C).

2. Wait (?) until a prompt containing U is
received, then enter User Identity (^M is
equivalent to <ENTER>).

3. Wait (?) until a prompt containing P is
received, then enter Password (^M is equiva-
lent to <ENTER>).

If such a protocol is entered between the angle
brackets < > in the ADRS.DO file, it will be
followed each time Terminal mode is entered


This requires the use of a modem coupler. The
Olivetti MC 10 Modem Coupler is ideal for this
application, being specially designed to operate
with the M10.

1. Connect the MC 10 Modem Coupler to the RS-232C
interface of the M10.

2. Set the ANS/CAL switch on the M10 to CAL.

3. Turn the power ON/OFF switch on the MC 10 to
ON; the indicator lamp shows flashing green.

4. Access TELCOM on the M10 and set the communi-
cations parameters to the values recommended
by the host system (300 baud maximum signal-
ling rate).

5. Lift the telephone receiver and dial the
number of the host system. When communication
is established, you will hear a high-pitched
continuous tone.
Press <F4> on the M10 to enter Terminal mode.

After a moment, the indicator lamp on the MC
10 shows continuous green.

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