Olivetti M10 PORTABLE COMPUTER Operations Guide


30 x 22 x 6 cm (11 3/4 x 8 1/2 x 2 3/8 in.).

1900 grammes (4lb 3oz).

Power Supply

6V DC either from 4 x 1.5V size AA dry cells or from AC mains supply  via 
AC adaptor.

8OC85 (8 bits CPU).


8k byte standard, expandable to 32k.


32k byte standard, expandable to 64k.

M10 Operations Guide	A-1

B. BASIC ERROR MESSAGES Errors are indicated on the M10 by the error codes listed below. The error numbers are the integers recognized by BASIC and must be specified when an ERROR statement is used. The errors are also listed in numerical order. A maximum of 255 codes are available, but not all of these are used. Unused error numbers are not listed and some of the error numbers produce an unprintable error code, UE. This applies for all the nunbers which may be allocated in the future.
AO 53 File already open: a sequential output
mode OPEN has been issued for a file that
is already open; or a KILL has been
attempted on an open file.
BS 9 Subscript out of range: an array element
has been referenced with a subscript that
is outside the dimensions of the array,
or the wrong number of subscripts have
been given.
BN 51 Bad file number: a statement or command
references a file with a file number that
is not open or is out of the range of
numbers specified by the MAXFILES
CF 58 File not open: the file specified in a
PRINT , INPUT , or similar statement has
not been opened.
CN 17 Cannot continue: an attempt has been made
to continue a program that cannot be
continued for one of the following
1. 1t has stopped due to an error.
2. lt has been modified during a break
in execution.
3. It does not exist.
DD 10 Redimensioned array: two DIN statements
have been given for the same array, or
a DIN statement has been given for an
Operations Guide B-1
array after the default dimension has
been established.
Ds 56 Direct statement in file: a direct
statement has been found while loading
an ASCII format file and the LOAD is
EF 54 Input past end: an input statement has been attempted, either after all the data
in the file has been input, or for an
empty file. Use the EOF function to
detect the end of a file to avoid this
FC 5 Illegal function call: a parameter that
is out of range is passed to a numeric
or string function. This error will also
be produced as a result of:
1. A subscript which is negative or
greater than the maximum permitted.
2. A negative or zero argument with LOF.
3. A negative araument with SQR.
4. An incorrect argument with:
FF 52 File not found: a LOAD, KILI or OPEN
statement references a file that does
not exist in memory.
FL 57 Too many files: an attempt has been made
to create a new file using SAVE or OPEN
when all directory entries are full.
Ip 12 Illegal direct: a statement that is
illegal in direct mode has been entered
as a direct command.
IE 50 Internal error: an internal fault has
occurred. Contact your local dealer.
Ip 18 Input/Output error: an input/output error
has occurred on a cassette, printer or
VDU operation. 1t is a fatal error, i.e.
BASIC cannot recover.
LS 15 String too long: an attempt has been made
to create a string more than 255
characters long.
MO 22 Missing operand: an expression contains
an operator with no operand following
NF 1 NEXT without FOR: a variable in a NEXT
statement does not correspond to any
previously executed, unmatched FOR
stateinent variable.
NM 55 Bad file name: an illegal form has been
used for a file name specified with LOAD,
NR 19 No RESUME: an error trapping routine has
been started but it contains no RESUME
OD 4 Out of data: a READ statement has been
attempted when there are no DATA
statements with unread data remaining
in the program.
OM 7 Out of memory: a program is too large;
has too many files, FOR loops, GOSUBs,
or variables; or it contains expressions
that are too complex.
OS 14 Out of string space: string variables
have caused BASIC to exceed the amount
of free memory remaining. BASIC will
allocate string space dynamically until
it runs out of memory.
OV 6 Overflow: the result of a calculation
is too large to be represented in BASIC's
number format.
RG 3 RETURN without GOSUB: a RETURN statement
has been encountered for which there is
no previous, unmatched GOSUB statement.
RW 20 RESUME without error: a RESUME statement
has been found before an error trapping
routine has been entered.
SN 2 Syntax error: a line has been found that
contains an incorrect sequence of
characters, e.g. unmatched parenthesis,
misspelt keyword, or incorrect
ST 16 String formula too complex: a string
expression is too long or complex. It
should be split into shorter expressions.
TM 13 Type mismatch: a string variable name
has been given a numeric value, or vice
versa. Alternatively, a function that
requires a numeric argument has been
given a string argument, or vice versa.
Operations Guide B-3
UE 21 Unprintable error: an error message is
not available for the error condition which exists.
UE 23-49 Unprintable error: these codes are
undefined and should be reserved for
future expansion in BASIC.
UE 59-255 Unprintable error: thes codes are
undefined and may be allocated by the
UL 8 Undefined line: a line reference in a
statement is to a nonexistent line.
/0 11 Division by zero: An attempt has been
made to divide by zero in an expression,
or the operation of involution results
in zero being raised to a negative power.

The following table lists the above codes in numerical order. 1 NF NEXT without FOR. 2 SN Syntax error. 3 RG RETURN without GOSUB. 4 OD Out of data. 5 FC Illegal function call. 6 OV Overflow. 7 OM Out of memory. 8 UL Undefined line. 9 BS Sub-script out of range. 10 DD Redimensioned array. 11 /0 Division by zero. 12 ID Illegal direct. 13 TM Type mismatch. 14 05 Out of string space. 15 LS String too long. 16 ST String formula too complex. 17 CN Cannot continue. 18 IO Input/Output error. 19 NR No RESUME. 20 RW RESUME without error. 21 UE Unprintable error. 22 MO Missing operand. 23-49 UE Unprintable errors. 50 IE Internal error. 51 BN Bad file number. 52 FF File not found. 53 AO File already open. 54 EF Input past end. 55 NN Bad file name. 56 DS Direct statement in file. 57 FL Too many files. 58 CF File not open. 59-255 UE Unprintable error. Operations Guide B-5
C. THE OLIVETTI MC 10 MODEM COUPLER GENERAL The Olivetti MC 10 Modem Coupler is specially designed for use with the M10 personal computer without integrated modem. It consists of a data modem which can be acoustically coupled to a standard switched telephone line. By means of this equipment, the TELCOM option of the M10 can be fully exploited for data communication with a remote computer system. The specifications of the MC 10 Modem Coupler conform to the recommenda- tions of the CCITT on data transmission in switched telephone networks (Fascicle VIII - Rec. V.21). The MC 10 is compatible with equipment having either a V.Z4/V.Z8 CCTTT or RS-232C EIA interface. It operates on the dual-channel full duplex prin- ciple. Channel 1 corresponds to the ORIGINATE/CAL mode, Channel 2 to the ANSWER/ANS mode of operation. The first mode is for calling a host com- puter system or data service, the second for replying to a call from another computer. The MC 10 is powered by a 12V DC supply either from its internal battery of 8 x 1.5V AN dry cells or from an external power supply connected to the mains. M10 Operations Guide C-1
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Mode : Full duplex, Channel 1 and Channel 2 Data : Binary, serial or asynchronous. Data Signalling Rate : 300 baud maximum Transmission Frequencies Channel 1 980 Hz (NARK) 1180 Hz (SPACE) Channel 2 1650 Hz (MARK) 1850 Hz (SPACE) Receiving Frequencies Channel 1 1650 Hz (MARK) 1850 Hz (SPACE) Channel 2 980 Hz (MARK) 1180 Hz (SPACE) Transmission Level -18 dBm measured at the telephone output to the line. Receive Sensitivity : -43 dBm Modulation : FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) Nominal delay between request to send (C105) and ready for sending (C106) : from OFF to ON, 30 ms from ON to OFF, 1 ms Nominal delay of data channel received line signal detector (C 109): from OFF to ON, 1 s from ON to OFF, 80 ms Power Supply : 8 x 1.5V AM batteries, type IEC LR6, AA SIZE or UM/SUN-3. Alternatively, an external power sup- ply may be used. Power Rating : 0.5 W Temperature : 0° C to 40° C Relative Humidity : up to 90% Data Interface : According to CCITT Recommendations V.24/V.28 or RS-232C EIA Standard. Interchange Circuits : 25-pin male connector with the con- nections shown in Fig. C-1. C-2
7 102 AB Signal ground
2 103 BA Transmitted data
3 104 BB Received data
4 105 CA Request to send
5 106 CB Ready for sending
6 107 CC Data set ready
20 108/2 CD Data terminal ready
8 109 CF Data Channel Received
Line Signal Detector
9 - - +6V Test Voltage
10 - - -6V Test Voltage
Fig. C-1 Interchange Circuits M10 Operations Guide C-3
SWITCHES AND LAMPS The status of the MC 10 is controlled and indicated by two switches and a lamp respectively. The lamp is located on the top of the unit, between the cups of the coupler, beside the power ON/OFF switch (see Fiq. C-2). 1t gives the fol- lowing indications: - Flashing green: this means that the MC 10 is switched on but not yet in communication with another computer. - Continuous green: this means that the MC 10 is switched on and in communication with another computer. - Continuous red: this means that the battery voltage has fallen below the necessary threshold for reliable operation and the cells should be replaced at once. The switch beside the indicator lamp is the power ON/OFF switch. On the underside of the unit is located the ANS/CAL switch. This switch is the channel selector. - In position CAL, Channel 1 is selected, in accordance with the CCITT recommendation or the EIA specification for ORlGINATE MODE. This position is selected when the user is calling a host computer system. - In position ANS, Channel 2 is selected, corresponding to the CCITT recommendation or the E1A specification for ANSWER MODE. This posi- tion is selected when a call is received from another computer sys- tem. C-4
up, side and bottom view MC 10 Fig. C-2 The MC 10 Modem Coupler M10 Operations Guide C-5
INSTALLATION On first installing the NC 10 for operation, it should be set up in the following way: 1. Verify that the power ON/OFF switch on the upper panel is in the position OFF. 2. On the underside, remove the cover of the battery compartment by sliding it in the direction of the arrow engraved on the cover itself. Insert the batteries (supplied with the NC 10) in the com- partment, ensuring that the correct polarities are respected. These polarities are marked on the inside of the battery compartment. Replace the cover. 3. Set the ANS/CAL switch to the appropriate position for the operation you are going to carry out (see Chapter 8 for details of data commun- ications operations, using the M10). 4. Attach the MC 10 cable to the RS-232C interface on the M10 computer. The MC 10 is now connected for data communication operation. DATA COMMUNICATION OPERATION WITH THE MC 10 This section should be used in conjunction with Chapter 8 of the M10 Operations Guide. 1f you are preparing for remote data communication with a host computer system, proceed as follows: 1. Having first connected the NC10 cable to the RS-232C interface con- nector on the rear panel of the M10 and set the ANS/CAL switch to CAL, turn the power ON/OFF switch on the NC 10 to ON. The indicator lamp on the top panel will show a flashing green light. 2. Access the TELCOM application program on the M10. 3. Lift the telephone receiver and dial the number of the host system. If the host system is equipped with an automatic connection for data transmission, you will hear a high-pitched continuous tone, indicat- ing that the connection has been established. If the host system is manual, you must ask the operator to connect you for data transmission. When you hear the high-pitched continuous tone, the data connection has heen established. 4. As soon as the connection has been established, place the telephone handset in the cradle of the MC 10, making sure that the ear-piece is connected first and that the mouth-piece is inserted into the cup marked CORD. Press <F4> on the M10 to access the Terminal mode of the TELCOM program. After a moment, the indicator lamp on the top panel will show a con- tinuous green light. C-6
5. The system is now ready for data transmission. Details nf data transmission using the M10/tlC 10 combination are given in Chapter 8. When the data transmission operation has been terminated, the receiver should be removed from the modem coupler and replaced on the telephone cradle. M10 Operations Guide C-7