LNW80 Picture Page

Some self made pictures

This is an original LNW80. The Reference manual is on top.
This is the System Expansion board. The power supply section is modified for a external switching supply. The small board is a software baudrate switch. The doubler is a Percom clone.
Apart from the power supply this board is almost unchanged. The modifications are: 64 kByte RAM on board, 50Hz display frequency and a sync stabilizer. The normal Eproms are partially exchanged for a Level 1 Basic (Probably the only Level 1 LNW in the world :-) ).
This is my "original" LNW. The keyboard is Tandy, the case Aster (Dutch model 1 clone builder). This system is modified to a great extend (extra keys, RAM selector, 192 KByte RAM, 4 Hires pages. More on this later.)
My all time favorite LNW graphic
