DAI industrial system 9.5" rack

The CPU card, Keyboard/Display Unit, the Experimenter and the DCE-PWR unit were sold as a educational "DCE-micro-computer". There is a course by the "Dirksen" educational institute based on this set.
Processor card
DAI DCE-1 card This card is a predecessor of the DCE-X displayed below. The card contains both RAM (4 * 2111 = 512 bytes) and ROM (2 * 2708 = 2 kByte, extendable to 4 * 2708), so was a single board computer. A 8255 for the RWC bus and a TMS5501 controlling the KDU via the 25 pin connector. The ROMS contain the monitor program using the KDU as user I/O. The 8255 is memory mapped at addresses 1C00-1C03. The 5501 is memory mapped at 9800-980F. This chip implements an interesting interrupt mechanism for the 8080. The Connector layout.
Keyboard/Display Unit
DAI DCE-KDU This calculator like device allows the user to interact with the monitor program. Both work, but any documentation is lacking, so operation has to be reverse engineered. The KDU contains only simple logic, so keyboard/display scanning is done in the monitor. Image of the inside.
Experimenter card
DAI  card This board allows experimenting with the DCE bus. Drivers and LEDs for outputs, pullup resistors and dipswitches for inputs. A power connector (-5,+12,GND,+5V) and some reset and interrupt controls at the top. The sockets at the bottom are test points for each line. At the left the connector to the DCE-1. The Connector layout.
Rack 9.5" DAI  card Room for four I/O cards.

DAI industrial system 19" rack

Property of Jaak Bartok
Processor card

The processor card contained the processor (Intel 8080), RAM (dual 2114, 1 kByte), an UART/IO (TMS5501) and a RWC interface (8255). The 25p. sub-DE connector was used for external control on the system (KDU-console?). The flatcable header (middle left half) connected the processor card with RAM and ROM cards.

Floppy card

The floppy disk controller is based on the NEC D372D. The card contains an CPU complete with RAM and ROM to handle the data. This simplifies the main processor load.

Dynamic RAM
DAI RAM card

Contains 32 kByte. Two banks of 4116 dynamic RAM. The rack connector at the right is the DCE bus, so the processor was directly connected through the flatcable connector at the left side.

ROM card
DAI ROM card

The boot ROMS (3 * 2708) and also 512 byte RAM (4 * 2111). The rack connector at the right is the DCE bus, so the processor was directly connected through the flatcable connector at the left side.

Rack 19" DAI ROM card

The 19" rack. Left the power supply, right the floppy disks. The OS was different from the one used for the DAI home computer.

List of cards:

Updated: 2025-01-10
